Map Title: Defence What happens when your stuck in a building and zombies are after you? Download Map Download Gametype Description: Running for there life the survivors of the infection in 2557. While scientist were Testing there new production of a Stem cell, enhanced it too make you live forever. This happens..You ran too a building in your town, with limited ammo, you set up a small base... hoping to survive the infection. So now you, and your team are facing the Infected, comeing for your brains. Weapons/Equipment on MapNever Respawn.) x2 Shotgun 1 extra clip each. x2 Spikers. 0 extra clips each. x2 Spike grenades. x2 Plasma Grenades. x1 Trip mine. x1 Deployable Cover x3 BRs. x2 Magnums. x1 Turrent x1 Sniper Zombie Spawn Things to hide behind going for the Surviors. Roof Elevator Hidden Shotgun Overview of Inside Thanks.
Sorry to say this but you should always finish your post instead of leaving it 75% percent done,but besides folowing the rules,from the pics i like the base and the top platform thing but maybe you should add some more cover on the bottom and something on the top to spice it up
thats a great looking fort you have there but wouldn't the zombies need a little more cover from that turret? It does look a bit empty.
^agree. the fort looks good with its interlocking but the outside needs bit more cover/scenery for the zombies.
As long as you dont have any BRs on the map, then the Zombies would be fine. But if you have like 1 shot 1 kill settings, then you shold definetly add a lot more cover for them.
Nope zombies have 110-150% damage resistance can't remember what :/ And the turrent can't aim down so thats sorta good. ;p
I suppose, the base looks nice. Elevators are a plus but more cover and something out there would make the feel full right now it looks a tad bit empty.