Deer Hunt V3 By TeamEck1 Lol this is my third version in one day!!! The object is to avoid the sniper. he spawns with a magnum and needs to walk across the cheat proof box to get his sniper. This gives the humans some time to get on there mongooses and leave. Here are some pictures and the map link. Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game: : Halo 3 File Details Pictures Over View [/URL] Sniper box [/URL] Human spawn [/URL]
Honestly, this just proves that you don't have enough testing/time/consideration to get it right the first time on your map. Plus, you copied the other dude.
ITs actually has the man cannons to prevent you from getting out. it also has another row of barriers.
um... doesnt look bad, not too bad an idea, but what i would do to give people time is make the zombie start in a below room from where he snipes the humans and make a man cannon spawn at 10 seconds to get up a hole. that way humans have 10 secs to get ready. i would also add a wall going out on each side spawing at 30 that leads up to a second floor that looks exactly the same as the bottom, and the zombie has a third floor where another man cannon spawns at 45 to get, so humans have another 15 sewconds of relief.
Oh My God. STOP POSTING ALL THESE VERSIONS OF DEER HUNT. THEY ARE ALL STUPID AND BORING! And stop arguing with that other guy about who made it first!!!