I actually like the top one more, it has better contrast, and I think it would "pop" more against the white boarder. I do like my current one better though...it kind of has a vintage feel to it...as simple as it is. But I thank you for your time and effort. I know you put a lot of work into it, and I really appreciate it. I'm still going to hang onto both of the ones you made, because they are both really, really good looking. I'll probably swap them out some time in the future....but for now I'm going to leave my current one up.
I feel so loved. I won't make any more though, because I really don't mean to waste deepmonkey's time.
good job deepmonkey paw!! keep it up! you use gimp right? i cant get it to work.. when i choose the rectangle, i cant put it in! is there a gimp tutorial?
What you think of this Ferretness? I tried to stick with the math theme. Hope you like it. Yes.. I use GIMP, and I'm sure you could find a tutorial somewhere on the net. Apple.. I don't know how to add stats to a picture and stuff like that. If I think about it I will try to look it up and find out, but for right now that is out of the question.
Deep, here's what I have in mind. First the size, the reason I stopped using yours in the first place. You're right, the one you made is "within regulation", but I have some extra stuff in my sig that takes up vertical space, hence the request I got to shrink it. The one I have now is something like 150 x 400, which is good Basically, just use the one I have now as a template. I like really like the font and layout, so all it really needs is a border, and maybe some more color. I like a green and blue ocean texture. Thanks buddy
all right, well, a few things, take a look at the end of my video on tension. It says whyher industries. See the pic, something like that, black white tones with telephone poles or power lines. My name whyher is suppose to be like wire but whyher is way cooler. its even and symmetric, the W is about the same width as the ER and the Y is an H upside down or the H is a Y get it. If you can get like an urbine pic like that and have it bck and wt tones and have it say "the whyher"... Give it a go...
Yo Lemon.. what else you want on your sig? I need some details. Until I hear from you Ima work on Knight Kninja's.
ok well il talk to you guys tomorrow! good job deepmonkey i cant wait to see my sig! thanks again again!!
Sorry I'm taking so long guys who are waiting.. I just got a copy of Photoshop and I am trying to learn the ropes. I don't wanna make a really bad sig right off the bat. Bare with me.
Gimme an idea for something different for your sig Apple.. just incase I can't figure out how to add stats that update themselves. Ok.. Knight.. this is my first release of a Photoshop attempt, so if you don't like it I understand. You said you would prefer realistic.. so I decided to try my hands at renders. Hope you like it. Sorry I couldn't get the black and Limegreen but I think the colors are still nice.
sweet! that is amazing! its allright you didnt get those colors! lol im impressed! your first time?? that one was like my seventh. thank you so much!! if you get bored you could make that black and lime green one.. but your busy so i wont waste your time. thank you! lol!! thats more amazing than my bulltrue headshot i got today lol!! amazing
well i wanna try and get better for making my own sigs.. what would you suggest? gimp or photoshop? or a different one if you have another.. love the sig!!
Well Gimp is definately alot less complex.. thaz what I used for all the sigs before yours. Once I got used to Gimp I already knew alot of what Photoshop was.. I would consider looking at a few tutorials for each and deciding for yourself.