Re: I'll make sigs too! so another kid tried to make this but failed tremendously... pretty sure he even spelled my GT was a joke This is what im thinkin... include this on the far left: My Grifball team name somewhere near it (maybe in white over the bottom portion of him by his legs): Thus I Refute Thee my GT positioned in center-ish?: LIGHTSOUT225 this emblem centered also: and Rank emblem far right: make it look badass, play around with it, be creative. the positioning i laid out doesnt have to be exact, make it your own.. but id like to include those in there if possible ya know? i dont know anything about sigs really, so i dont know whats do-able and whats not. So let me know if im being too picky or if its too complicated or whatever. But i would greatly appreciate it! thanks homie
Re: I'll make sigs too! Nah.. this isn't too picky man.. If anything I like the challenge. Sounds like fun. See what I can do.. 1 question.. anything in particular you'd like as the MAIN background?
Re: I'll make sigs too! can you make me one plz. I'd like a picture of gobbles from south park ( google image search it) my name on top of the pic (of course) then give out a ghetto popping fresh background. Also you can put a little thing in the corner saying, made by deep monkey paw.
Re: I'll make sigs too! Umm.. I'm not overly impressed with this but perhaps it is just what you had in mind. Kinda hard to put all those pictures together into something artistic. Code: [img][/img][/color]
Re: I'll make sigs too! No problem Ghost.. If you wanna try, you can go to [size=10pt]This site and add some sharpness to your pic.. may help with the visibility of the text.
Re: I'll make sigs too! These are all great Monkey... I don't need one right now, but maybe you could fool around with one if you are bored and I will see.... but I dont need it.
Re: I'll make sigs too! Yah man.. just leave me some details of what you are interested in and I'll eventually get around to doin something.
Re: I'll make sigs too! I'd like one... there's a picture of a swordfish skeleton I really like in this article (the second picture down). Thanks in advance
Re: I'll make sigs too! That is cool.. what else would you like around it, besides your name of course?
Re: I'll make sigs too! Awesome. I want a sig... I am not sure exactly for the background, but I want an orange yoshi. And if you could make two... Samus Aran with Ridley in the background. ? =[[
Re: I'll make sigs too! That's a really hard question to answer. Anyway, maybe do the font (The Stilts) and colors I have now (cyan and olive). You're the artist and I think the ones you've done already look very nice (especially TXGhost), so I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever you do.
Re: I'll make sigs too! What do you think of this Gobbles? I can add more if you like.. juz gimme the word. Code: [img][/img]
Re: I'll make sigs too! Yo Deep, im so pleased with the sig that i was wondering if you could tackle our Grifball team logo? Team name: Thus I Refute Thee Heres a pic that may or may not be included...up to you, i dont really have any specific ideas, but make it look legit pics: <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"/></a><br/> Since out name is derived from the actual bomb itself, i thought it would be fitting. keep it somewhat simple, and professional if you can