Hello Forge Hub, I think I have a winner here, not sure hope so one of the funnest games I've played.(But I don't play many games so you be the judge) Please note this map is a 4 player 8 round 1 life per round banshee battle, 4 banshees 4 people no more all vs. all. I built 4 banshee pads if you will, were you will be starting at. ( Another note do a back flip off the pad works great every time.) There's not much more I can say pictures really just don't do it justice you have to play a game. Please give it try tell your friends enjoy!!! Download Deep Space Download Ariel Combat Here's some pictures enjoy
Oooh..... Its been done before. Once. So really, no points off for originality Although i must say that your version is about 10000x better than the previous version, and it actually has SKILL but into the banshee starting positions. I suggest making it set up for as many as eight players though, because that is an amazing game when you have people everywhere shooting and exloding and flying and dying.... Great
hey... this is a crazy map... and i haven't dl and played it yet... but i will soon... i just want to say that if you would of added a huge planet type structure... that would of been cool instead of making it all asteroids... just a train of thought... =D Over all... great map... 9/10 from pictures...
Yea I know it's it's been done before i was the one to do it check on my sig. Asteroid field and asteroid land. This is just another variation of those maps the one your talking about is asteroid field up to 7 players at most thanks for the comments so far.
I have seen the same basiv idea done before but what I havent seen is this kind of originality. Such as the asteriods and the amount of them. It looks like that took you forever to finish.
This looks awsome! I remember seeing your other version and that was pretty cool, but this is sooooo much better. The amount of time and effort put into this makes this truly look like an asteroid field in deep space! The ONLY thing I don't like about this map is the banshee landing pads . I love the way they look, and they are very unique, but I think you put them WAAAY too low on the map. I recommend remaking them so they are higher up, so that they are each halfway between the skybubble grid and the skybubble ceiling. Anyways, other than that, fantastic job!
This is cool almost reminds me of star wars attack of the clones where obi-wan and jango fett get into a battle in the asteroid field above geonosis. I give it a 9/10 (it would be cool if there were hornets just for more people)
I'll say this again you want the one for more people please download Asteroid Field. Thanks for the comments! The objective of this map was to have it be banshees vs. banshees no hornets or weapons. The hornet transport is way weak and other hornet is way to powerful. makes for bad games.
I don't think he's talking about Asteroid Field. It's more likely he means this map. Anyways, this is only the secend time I've ever seen a decent dogfight map, so you deserve some + points for amazing originality. It's a nice map, but you can definitely make it better. Add planets, comets, perhaps even a giant Spaceship. You can add a lot more than an asteroid field and four Banshee spawns (although the spawns are beutiful). Keep on truckin'. Cheers, HarisSales.
Actually, Haris and Kilenum, im referring to a different map entirely. I dont have the linky but it came out about a month after GMing was originally discovered. Before both of you Anyway i didnt realize that there were so many of this map. A whole four. This one is still the best either way though, so good job.
This probably wouldn't make much of a difference, but the map would look better, and more like a real asteroid field, without the killballs. Then you could place red and blue lights. Just a suggestion.
I played this with a lot of people (4) and I really liked it even thought I was the one who died most the time! ;D Very fun and super addicting! I love the Killballs as they give me points! Anyways - very cool map!
It has it's perks but you really don't want OCD, it can be a living nightmare. X( But......moving on the map is spectacular! It's almost like a preview for Reach's space fights. lol You've got a download from me.
Great map. I Downloaded and found one problem. The Killballs. There were almost no real kills. People would usually run into the killballs, and get mad. Please take them off and call it V2. Also, If you really wanted to get fancy, put on a dark FX so it feels like you're in "Deep Space'" and not flying over a desert. Anyway congrats on a great map! -Dr K
The Kill balls are there as an obstacle to make things harder. I think anykind of filter would screw gameplay. If you keep hitting the kill balls learn to watch were your flying.
Deep Space Enjoyment: It's pretty hard to find a decent mini-game that isn't breakable unbalanced or boring, but Deep Space has a few tricks up it's sleeve that will make you want to play it at least once. Well... Deep Space has ONE trick up it's sleeve, but it's a pretty good trick. The map is a 4-way Banshee combat map, but with an asteroid field in the middle which you can use to escape fire, or my favourite, wait on an asteroid until an enemy banshee passes, then high-jack them and let gravity do the rest. The beginning of the game is always intense, but as players start getting eliminated it can shift from a frantic gunfight, to a playful "cat and mouse" dogfight. Whether you like this map or not depends entirely on how much you like aerial combat though, and there were definitely times the game felt a little boring. 5/10 Balance: Each player spawns next to a banshee separated by the asteroid field, with no advantages or disadvantages over one another. It was a shame there were no hornets on the map, or player that spawns in the middle with a plasma pistol. Not just adding the benefit of more players, the map really could have used some more interesting gameplay mechanics, because after 8 rounds Banshee's start feeling a little boring. 3/10 Durability: It is possible to play the map without venturing in the middle, as there is a ring of empty space around the map which is great to circle around if you want to avoid other players. It is also pretty easy for a player to set down on an asteroid just to ambush and high-jack another Banshee, which is hard to avoid given the Banshee's inability to move backwards and the Asteroid fields constricting effect on movement. By the time a player notices an enemy outside their Banshee, it's usually past the point of return to evade them, or fuel rod them off of the block, which can be fun depending on whether you are on the receiving or dealing end of the exchange. 6/10 Aesthetics: The main attraction of Deep Space is the asteroid field in the middle, but even that becomes boring after a while. At first glance the field appears to be fairly interesting, but there isn't enough budget to interlock blocks together to form any unique structures or bigger "asteroids" while maintaining the same asteroid density. It feels as though instead of being for aesthetics, the blocks are suspended in mid-air simply to add functionality, and they are functional, just not interesting. 3/10 Originality: The reason there aren't so many dogfight maps is because they are hard to make well within the constrains of forge, and Deep Space is no exception. Whether you love or hate Banshees though, the map is unique: it tried an idea few people try, with a setting few could have thought of. 7/10 [floatleft] Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetics: Originality: [/floatleft] 5/10 3/10 6/10 3/10 7/10 24/50