Hmm... The Yavimayan is going to leave too? Peace out TDF, we had some good times like... Oh, well hope you have a nice time at College. ^_^
I find it semi funny how everyone is saying good bye as if your gonna be gone for a long time, when it clearly says that your going to have a decrease in activity "this" week and the "next" week. Dun worry guys, his still gun be here, just not so much, right?
I totally understand. I'm gonna start only playing on the weekends just because I'm gonnastart taking a AP Euro class which should put some pressure on me. I really wat this college credit. If I do it highschool I dont have to pay for it in college.
Ah... Good luck in college! If you fail you always can come back to us... Not saying that you will though... Well good luck with college... Its gonna be weird without you around
Ummmm, guys he's not leaving forever, just for the next few weeks to move in to college. But seriously, what college are you attending and what are you gonna major in?