Cool Ill be sure to add you, I'm wondering though is there a decorative map club or something in forge hub? I know there is probably an MLG one but what about the non MLG? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow after checking out custom maps here on Forge Hub I misinterpreted something My friend said he was working on a map and called it Bart's manor, but apparently he forgot to tell me he was using a previous version. Bart's manor is located in the casual game play on featured maps. Its the picture of the garden house here in one of my pictures.
What do you mean happy medium? Like the normal set you forge with, or the favorite items you use mostly use in every map?
Of course, you may decide that you don't care if people get your IC and OOC mixed up.WOW Power Leveling If so, my hat's off to you. But for most, it'll probably be best to help spell out what's in character, what's out of character, and keep confusing of the two to a minimum. There's a single primary fundamental to roleplay. Aion Gold It's a dynamic that is so innate and implicit about the act of roleplaying that most roleplayers never give it any thought. Why would they? WOW GoldIt's as universal and binding a dynamic as could possibly exist in an activity. Buy WOW GoldThis dynamic is not only the building block of roleplaying, it's also the very point and end-goal of most roleplaying. Aion Gold I want to throw in some kind of yin and yang analogy, also, but I'll get to my point.