Sandbox Declaration V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Malicious Stig, May 13, 2009.

  1. Malicious Stig

    Malicious Stig Ancient
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    Declaration V3

    Download Link: -------> : Halo 3 File Details

    Declaration is a small map ideal for 1v1 matches ranging to 4v4, as well as a variety of free for all matches and everything inbetween. It is suited and set up for every gametype.

    The map is completely symmetrical, the bases are exactly the same as are the weapon placements, spawn points and objects.

    The map contains:

    2x Plasma Grenades
    2x Frag Grenades
    2x Spike Grenades
    2x Battle Rifles
    2x Carbines
    2x Needlers
    2x SMGs
    4x Plasma Rifles
    4x Spikers
    4x Sentinel Beams
    2x Magnums
    2x Maulers
    2x Plasma Pistols
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Overshield

    The map takes place over three main elevations.

    The ground level is where most of the combat occurs, and is where the overshield lies. It sits in the very centre of the map, surrounded by pillars.

    The mid level contains the rocket launcher, also in the middle of the map. However, one cannot jump up to the rocket launcher from the ground level. The mid level can only be accessed by taking the ramps which protrude from the bottom level of each base.

    The top level are the two base balconies, which contain the longer ranged weapons and suitable cover in the form of a curving wall.

    The bases are clearly identifiable during gameplay, each one having the relevant coloured lights and columns outside it. The bottom level of each base also features bars which offer slight protection from some projectiles but are still large enough to pass through when crouching.

    A series of internal ramps takes players between levels when inside the bases.

    Map overview

    Base View

    Central View

    Base View from above

    Battle in blue base

    Saved by the bars

    Rifle Perch

    Base Assault

    Taking cover

    Combo time

    Beam attack

    Please rate the map and leave any criticism for the next version of the map :)

  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i really really like the layout of this map, although theres two little flaws in it. First, i wouldve interlocked the floor, it helps because then grenades wont fall through, and it will look better. Also, make the walls higher in some places, there are certain spots that people can jump too that i dont really think they should be able to get at. Either way, i still really like this map 4/5 if you fix those things
  3. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I would say that your map needs some more spawns. The spawn placement wasn't really thought out to well with only a couple on the map. Seems like a good layout and the bars are good additional but not totally original as I'v seen it many times before. I'd rate this map a 2.5/5 and that's not a bad thing. I very rarely rate a map 5/5 because its hard to get perfection on forging maps. Just add some more spawns and such and if you run out of items delete some unneccasary game types like VIP or Juggernaut.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    First of all, It's good to see a familiar face here!

    I'll give this a thorough Forgee-through to check stuff, but here's my inital reaction:

    Firstly, I love the layout of the base, especially the Bars. Nicely interlocked there. I have a concern with how easy it is to go from Base>Rockets>Enemy base, but I'll comment on that after the playtest. Also, I would interlock those wood bridges slightly, I think the bump will be a bit too big for most people.

    Next, The structure on the right of the centre picture looks lovely, However, I'm concerned that players could jump on the wall from the top of it. From there, they could potentially jump around the back of the map, hiding in an alcove. My suggestion is to create a sender node, with receiver nodes in a kill ball, and place the senders at the end points of the wall, then stack another row of them on. So in essence you'd have:
    >< >< (Top view)

    Where [][] is the double box and >< are two teleporters on top of each other.

    Finally, I'd interlock those lights into the arches, give you some more space to shoot from. But that's just my view.

    I'll forge-through this soon.

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