Map: Decimation Game Variant: Decimate Hi everyone, to start us off my GT is ggrozny. -> (Graws-knee) I am really starting to like custom games and forging maps. If you have a group of friends that do alot of customs and/or forging send me an invite on xbl I would love to do more but just don't know enough people that like it also. This is the 2nd of my forge maps, I have another one here: ROADRUNNER check it out too! This map takes part in the middle of sandtrap inside the ruins. Every normal player has no radar, and runs at 110%. I have blocked off every exit so no one should be getting out. Each team will spawn on one side of the hall, if you take a look down below you can get an idea of what it will look like. Once you spawn you will need to work your way to the middle of the hall. There is a teleportor in the middle that leads to the flag room which holds both flags, so both teams will be heading there. In each base you will find ONE flame grenade and one sniper rifle, so it can get a bit hectic heading toward the flag room. (Flag at home to score is turned on, so get on that defense as well as that offense!) Once you are in the flag room, you have a little bit more room to move around, and explore. In this room you will find a flare, BR, regenerater, two spikers, and a shotgun along with both flags of course. Once you have grabbed the flag you will be granted 150% health and your radar, but at a cost, you now run at a speed of 90%. Grab any equipment that might help you score (ex. flare) and head back to the teleporter you came through, looking out for any people on the other team heading in the way your heading out. This is basically it. A small yet kinda medium size game of capture the flag with a neutral flag feal. Take some time to look through these screens to get a feel for it. 1. This is one of the bases, and where you will spawn. Each base is identicle, you will start off with AR as primary, and in your base you can find one flame grenade, and one sniper rifle to shoot down the hall with. Have someone pick up the rifle fast to keep the other team from getting to the portal first. 2. This is just a look down the hall, this photo is taken from the red team's base, heading toward the blue team. 3. In the middle you will find 2 sides. On one side you will find 3 spike grenades, and a bubble shield as you can see in the photo. So while you have someone on your team sniping down the hall and someone on the other team sniping down the hall you are also rushing for the middle for these items and also for the flag room. 4. This is the other side of the middle in the hall. Notice the teleportor, This is how you will get to and from the flag room, and why you are rushing the middle. 5. In this photo we have just gone through the teleportor heading toward the flag room, but watch your back the other team might be coming through soon. 6. This is in the same room, just after the teleportor, there is a flare sitting in the corner but you have to jump over the barracade to get to it. It is very helpful in getting your flag back to your base, but most people skip over it. Use it! 7. Just past the flare we are now entering the flag room. 8. After entering the flag room, jump up onto the flag platform and you will find both flags, attackers and defenders. 9. This is another view of the flag platform, if you'll notice there is a regenerator and a BR hiding behind the barracade. Deadly combo. 10. Down the right hall in the flag room, you will find a shotgun. 11. Down the left hall in the flag room, you will find two spikers. [img width=800 height=450][/img] 12. This is just an action shot in the middle of the hall, right next to the flag room teleporter. 13. And last but not least this is an action shot of red team jumping into their base to score. This is a very fun map, my friends and I have had fun playing it, its nothing crazy. If you have any questions let me know, and everyone be sure to leave some feedback.
Re: Decimation: Great neutral flag FUN I'll have to queue this up do to the fact that it looks great for small games when you can't find a lot of people.
Re: Decimation: Great neutral flag FUN I was about to pass it off as a regular, in the base at sandtrap, but weapon placement makes this a little better. But please stop with the generic ideas. P.S. Sorry if this is the first one, but I've seen alot of these
Re: Decimation: Great neutral flag FUN Again same as my other thread, I haven't seen any blocked off in this area, and not to mention one set as capture the flag as I have made. If a map is blocked off in the same area it doesn't make it the same as the others as long as the idea is different....otherwise every map is generic, because they are all blocked off by bungie's boundries.
Re: Decimation: Great neutral flag FUN I give this a 3 out of 5, I enjoyed playing it, but its max players is 4 vs. 4.
I thought that I'd go to the final pages of the competetive section and post, bring up some old ones. The map looks pretty good, nicely blocked off. I've seen one done recently and it cant compare to this. I like the idea. I was considering something in this area, a little while ago for my Fuster Cluck Map Pack.