"After the Great War, a U.N.S.C. Thermo-Nuclear Weapons Reactor was left derelict inside of a hidden warehouse to . . ." Click here to Download! Slayer (All Variants) Oddball (All Variants) King of the Hill (All Variants) Territories (All Variants) Capture the Flag (Asymmetrical Only) Assault (Asymmetrical Only) VIP Juggernaut Decay is a small. 2-6 person map centered around a giant, thermo-nuclear reactor. I was inspired to make this map because i wanted to create a smaller sized, interesting map with some cool game choices and strategies. The reactor itself is derived from a similar (core) from the map "Radiation" by Dynamic Echo. I used a similar principle except that inside the core is a white powerup which can be collected. However, there is a highly probable chance that you will be killed if you act too quickly or are in the action of being attacked. By going through the teleporter in the reactor. you are shot through the death barrier scoring another kill for those pesky Guardians. On the other side of the Reactor Room is the Base Area. This area has only one enterance connected through the map. Though it might seem campable, in Symmetric Gametypes the only weapons present are the UNSC Sniper Rifle, the UNSC Pistol, and a Covenant Plasma Rifle. Also, there is a good view of the Base Area from the Bridge. The Bridge is connected to the map by two two-way teleporters placed on either side of the map. Based on what Gametype you use (Symmetrical or Asymmetrical), the bridge has many different appearances. In Symmetric Gametypes a Power Drainer spawns inside the Bridge. In Asymmetric Gametypes, a UNSC Sniper Rifle spawns instead. This map uses lots of interlocking, some Geometry Merging an does not use the Unlimited Budget Glitch so it can be edited! (Symmetrical GT) [Asymmetrical GT] UNSC Battle Rifle (1) [2] UNSC Pistol (1) [1] UNSC Assault Rifle (1) [1] UNSC Sniper Rifle (1) [1] UNSC Sub-Machine Gun (1) [1] Covenant Carbine (1) [1] Covenant Plasma Rifle (1) [1] Covenant Plasma Pistol (1) [1] Brute Spiker Rifle (1) [1] Brute Mauler (2) [1] Power Drainer (1) [0] Shield Regenerator (1) [1] Fragmentation Grenades (2) [4] Brute Spike Grenades (2) [2] Needler (0) [1] The picture below is an outline I made using Google Sketchup showing a 2D overview of the map. The stickers indicate areas of interest. I apologize for the size of the outline but it looses clarity when it is enlarged. Star = Base Area Star = Bridge Star = Red Side Star = Blue Side Star = Mauler Tunnels Skull = Reactor This side shot shows the Bridge at the top center and the reactor just past it. This shot was taken from the Base Area. This shot was taken from above a corner of the map. The reactor is positioned in the center of the picture and one of the Blue Side staircases is visible at the top right. A UNSC Assault Rifle is in front of the Reactor. This photo is taken from the hallway connecting the Base Area and the Reactor Area. A White Powerup (Active Camo + Custom) is situated in the center of the reactor and above a teleporter with sends you past the death barrier. Also, the Active Camo and the Overshield placed within the doors are used to indecate which side of the map is which. This is a view of the Blue Side staircases. The Red Side Stairs are symmetrical to the Blue set sans the Overshield. Though the overhead shot seems to show the stairs as being rugged and rough, they are smoothly interlocked into the floor. After the Blue Side Staircases, you reach the Blue Side Hallway. Nothing very spectacular about this shot besides the smooth interlocking of the walls and floor. A Covenant Carbine, Fragmentation Grenade and a Brute Spiker Rifle (Harder to see) along the stairs. At the end of the hallway, you turn right into the Mauler Tunnels. In symmetrical games, two Brute Maulers spawn on either side of a fence wall between the Mauler Tunnels. However in asymmetric games, only a single mauler, without a fence wall, will spawn in between the tunnels. This shot also shows the location of a Plasma Pistol which is placed along the back side of the Reactor. After the Mauler Tunnel's the other base is visible, in this case, the Red Side. This side has a UNSC SMG, a Fragmentation Grenade, and though not visible, a UNSC Battle Rifle is at the farther end of the hallway near the Red Side Teleporter. This picture shows one of the two, symmetrical entrances to the Bridge by teleporter. In front of the teleporter there is a Brute Spike Grenade, which is very useful when entering the teleporter. After entering the teleporter, you come onto the Bridge. This is the default setup of the Bridge during an Asymmetrical gametype. For example, the attackers in One Flag CTF would have to bring the flag up to here in order to score. Also the bomb during One Bomb Assault spawns up here. In Symmetrical games, the UNSC Sniper Rifle does not spawn here. In a symmetrical gametype, a Powerdrainer spawns inside the bridge. This replacement of the Powerdrainer instead of the UNSC Sniper Rifle is to prevent camping of the Bridge. Also, the Powerdrainer is very powerful on such a small level that using one can turn the game in your favor. The picture above demonstrates the occupied section of the Base Area during an Asymmetric gametype. Most noticeably is the flag positioned sideways along the wall requiring the attacking team to jump onto the alter below it to grab the flag and run it to the teleporter. While it may seem unfair that the defending team gets two Fragmentation Grenades, a Needler, a UNSC Pistol, a Covenant Plasma Rifle, a UNSC Battle Rifle, and a Shield Regenerator, they need this arsenal in order to defend the flag from getting to far. The Bomb Plant Point in One Bomb Assault is also located on the wall. In symmetrical gametypes, the UNSC Sniper Rifle spawns over the alter. Also the UNSC Battle Rifle, the two Fragmentation Grenades, and the Needler, have been removed from all symmetric gametypes due to balance issues. Deleted Accidentally Coming Soon - - - - - - - After working hours and hours on this map, I feel comfortable knowing that it is presentable and fun. Please download, comment, and rate this map as i spent a lot of time on this and i would really like to see it work at its best potential. Also, if you dislike or felt that this map didn't work in any way, Please Specify What You Didn't Like, otherwise, I have no way of knowing what to fix in version 2.0. I hope you enjoy! If anyone knows how to post Youtube videos and would like to make one of this map to post on Youtube, it would go Greatly appreciated. I will definitely find out some way to repay you. I would like to have a really great walk through of the map along with some awesome gameplay footage to go along with it in the video. Anyone who might be willing to help me out and do this please let me know VIA message or comment. Thank you. -Agenthunk128 Decay Click above to Download!
i like it you should try to make tournament maps ill post a link soon and you'll see all the rules it is getting big so jump in and try it out ill post a new forum on forgehub
this really looks quite good. I like the reactor area and the tunnels. It looks like you have some interlocking. Also the post was good, you have us a great description and some cool pictures of the map. Will dl and check out.
The pictures aren't showing up for me. fix if possible please! The map sounds great but I just cant tell without pictures... EDIT: nevermind, the pics started working for me. The map looks very nice. I like the reactor in the middle even though it is off center. I like the active camo door things, they are a nice touch!
Fixed This is quite odd . . . i can see the pictures perfectly. Any ideas why you can't see them but I can? Thanks Shad0w Viper for fixing the post Glad you were able to see the pics. Ya . . . the reactor is alittle off center but i felt it didnt affect gameplay.
WOW that looked really good... beats 3/4 the maps on Fh... NICE APPEAL 5/5 weapons seam 5/5 layout 5/5 interlocking nice total is 4/5 not quite a 5/5 keep the maps coming tho
This seems well thought out. I don't really like that u can go in the reactor thing. U should have kept it as an easter egg that cant affect gameplay by putting tele out of the map. oh well i still dled it is nice for those of us who never seem to have a large party
The teleporter is out of the map. It acts like a kill chamber. You enter it, then die. You have about a 1/50 chance or getting the camo if you are really lucky.
a realy goood looking map but it is not that big - well it looks like it is not that big but it has good interlocking and ideas gone into it and keep up the good work and try and look for diffrent skills
maybe for your next map it could have some new skills - i dont realy know if you want to but maybe it could have somthing diffrent in - maybe you could find it out...