lol Monty Python... "There I've defeated you." "No ya haven't!" "Yes I have, I chopped ya bloody arm off!" "No ya didn't!" "Then what's that on the ground?" "It's just a minor flesh wound, I can take ya still!" rofl
Yay Monty Python! I got to watch that in history today lol, dunno why. That screenshot is awesome, wonder where the head and arms went .
Pressure Point If you beat someone down in the right spot between their shoulder and neck, their head and arms go flying off in three directions.
Python in School?! Two people on this thread say that they watched Monty Python as part of a lesson at school(teaching German & History). Hmmmmmm...........German..................History..................Monty Python.................
Everyone is talking about Monty Python instead of the picture, why is this? Ill tell you why, its because MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL IS GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!! Run Away Killer Bunny!!! Jesus Christ!!! The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch!!! Shes A Witch!!! I just Want To Sing Father!!!
LOLOLOL!! Thats the funniest pic i have seen all day!! How the hell did you do that?!? and where is his gun?