
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Korlash, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    2v2/4v4 map by Remember Isao24


    ZB slayer DMRs (though no AA's) - MLG TS v7


    A couple days ago, a medium-sized rock fell on my head from about 10 feet above me. I am okay, but I lost my memory on how to drop spawn my weapons for MLG. So weapons spawn regularly/dynamically.

    Anyways, Decadence is a medium-large, symmetrical map built for 2v2's mainly, but also 4v4. It is my first "L" map because it morphed from an asymmetrical start to the map I had. On this map, I tried adding some verticallity to it (though not much on this map) as well as eliminating circular flow, so this is how I got to it. Unfortunately this map sucks enough to not support objective gametypes, besides oddball most likely.


    -DMR x 2 ; 2 clips 10s
    -Rocket launcher ; 0 clips 120s
    -Sniper x 2 ; 0 clips
    -Active Camo 90s
    -Health Pack 30s (In it's own special room!)


    Red room


    Red room 2


    Blue side atrium / blue health room




    Top Mid


    Back Mini-Atrium


    Download Decadence Here

    Enjoy the map and leave feedback please!
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A unique and fast paced symmetrical map with no overpowering positions. The verticality is not common on symmetrical maps, so this was a breath of fresh air.
  3. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    Agree with Xzamples... definetely a breath of fresh air. Finally a symetrical map with some good aesthetics...I like it. Try to use so more ramp pieces for a cleaner map too.

    Tutorial on MLG Weapon Spawn (BTW your story is funny)
    1. Spawn weapon
    2. Respawn time is 118 for snipes and nade launcher, but 178 for rocket launcher
    3. Make sure maximum is 8 (in advanced settings)
    4. Grab weapon and edit cordinates...bring weapon 6 units up and make sure it is fixed.
    5. The weapon should be floating...change physics to normal (weapon should still be in air)

    it these instructions confuse you Vampire has a tutorial on it on Youtube.
    #3 wpcubs, Mar 8, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  4. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Oh, that was you I dropped the rock on? Sorry, I thought you were a crackhead. They owe me money. Anyway, the map is great, I don't always play MLG, but when I do, I get my ass kicked. I really liked the verticality, like Xzamplez said.
  5. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I apparently can't multiquote, so I had to do this manually.

    Thanks Mayne!

    As for the ramps, do you mean having ramps along the walls to cover uglier walls? Because the main ugliness is in the main walls which are thin enough for ramps not to work.

    As for dropspawning, I do know how to do it. But I'm gonna stop making them MLG-like so they can appeal more to non-mlg players here. There aren't many people our speed anymore. Still appreciate the help though.

    Don't worry about getting your ass kicked. I have a 0.8 k/d in MLG, and probably worse in customs lol.

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