Death's Knock

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Blue Pariot, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I'll follow this new trend, I think we need more writing here.
    I'll be posting a few of my short stories here every now and then.
    If you want, I have a few stuff on deviantart. I try to write one a day, but I slack off.

    Death's Knock
    On Friday night, after everyone had gone to bed, Death knocked on my door. “I’ve come for a soul,” he said. Fearing it was me, I yelled, “Take my grandmother!” And so she left, leaving behind her fortune. The moon fell asleep and woke again, bringing with it another knock from Death. “One more soul,” he stated. “Take my mother,” I said, “for she is getting old.” And so she left, leaving behind her famed recipe book. Death is a greedy fellow, though, for two was not enough. Again, he arrived and asked for another life. “Take my wife,” I cried, “for she is all that is left.” And so she left, leaving me with freedom. A week passed by and when my worries had slightly faded, I heard Death’s raspy knock once more. “I have no one left for you to take,” I said, “but I can offer you something else. Take my time, my disease, my old age, my sickness, my death. Have my family make it into a feast for you. Surely you cannot decline this.” And so my time left, leaving me with immortality. Death, as I would imagine, is probably still feasting on my future, for he hasn’t returned. And I sit here now, with a chest full of gold, but no one to share it with. A recipe book, full of enticing meals, but no one to cook for. A soft bed, but no one to sleep with. And so I wait for Death’s knock in this empty house, but I know he’s not coming back, for he has a house full of women, and I’m just a man with no soul.

    #1 Blue Pariot, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  2. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice I like it... very metaphorical. Very enjoyable.
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's a good one, a writer you in the future could be... Ok, yoda talk aside its pretty cool how you worked it through, with a interesting end too.

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