
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'd like this to be a serious topic, so anyone who wants to argue can leave the thread right now.

    The other day I was thinking about getting older. Then it went to me thinking what happens when we die. Serious though, from what I know, every one who I talk to this about says that their mind goes black and so does mine. I mean it's inevitable... or is it? Practically, I just want your opinion. Do you think it's possible to create a serum for everlasting life? If that happens, what about the population crisis that could happen? What happens when you die? Are you reborn as a different person? Or are you reborn as something different? Or do you actually go to a heaven or hell? What do you think happens?
  2. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    I am a christian, so i believe that jesus christ died on the cross for my sins so that if i believed in him i might have eternal life.
  3. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i personally believe that the whole reincarnation thing is all just a little wishfull thinking, but not at all possible withought a higher being with the will to keep you cycling through these lives. i wont get all religious in it however i could go from here to argue a point. i wont do that. i do believe in heaven and hell, heaven if you earn it in life (not by just the meens of being a really nice person) and hell if you live your life a certain ordinary unreligiously thoughtfull way. i wont get into that. now a forever living searem, maybe, but keep in mind that every single cell in our body would have to be replaced billions of times over and over again, or more. i wouldnt be suprised to see a few people living to be 120, but i also think living on this earth for that long, would be nothing short of a curse. think of it, living in your feeble old state, unable to feed or bath or wash yourself, just think and reason, if even that. i dont think thatd be a good future, and living forever is not something to work for, in my opinion.
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'm not too religious, which I my choice, but personally, I would rather think that we die, but live eternally in a younger state with our family that has already passed. The only thing I would be sad about is there might not be any videogames... =(

    Although it would be awesome to live forever in a young and able state of body. Seeing all of the advancements that people could create through the years would be something amazing.
  5. Vickranus

    Vickranus Ancient
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    thats the same thing that happens to me, i think of why do i do this and work so much to do something if i am going to die and lose everything. well just have to wait (not necessarily) to see how death is. i think is just like being sleeping (boring)
  6. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Being a Christian, I believe that you either go to Heaven or Hell.

    As for what you said about the thing that would make you live for ever, I don't think so. I think that would be impossible. If someone did happen to create this however, there would be two possible outcomes:

    1) It's cheap, so everyone gets it.
    a. They all turn in to zombies.
    b. There is a huge population crisis.

    2) It is super expensive
    a. People kill to get it. World War III takes place.
    b. Tyrants use it to extend their term of rule.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ive always have been scared of death honestly, I dont want life to go on fast so I try to live my life to the fullest and try to live every moment.

    But I am christian, and life is a test that god gives us, he isnt going to make life perfect and put us all in heaven
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Wishful thinking aside, it will be exactly like before you were born. Nothing to worry about at all. You didn't much care you were dead 200 years ago, why should you care 200 years from now?
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well death is caused by hundreds of thousands of different things. So how can you make a serum that keeps you alive? It would have to fight all of those things that can kill you. It just doesn't make sense.
  10. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I never thought of it this way and come to think about it, can anyone remember anything before the age of 5 or 4 years old? It's like we're created to not remember any of that. Although, what happens if someone does remember that stuff? That they can look back to when they were born. I think the point I'm trying to make is what if we knew everything about what happened before a specific age?

    I know. I mean, the serum would also have to protect you from time itself and it seems impossible to literally stop from aging, but what if it is possible? I mean, what if we can get so advanced we can have a serum for regenerating tissue? Or armor-like skin that can stop bullets or other objects from penetrating? We haven't become that advanced in civilization today, but think of what's to come...
  11. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    In my opinion when you're dead you're dead. Period. There is no afterlife or whatnot.
  12. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I personally think that you just disappear if you die, so I try to enjoy life. If you say that dead people go to heaven or hell, where do insect go? You animal-racist, you say you have an immortal soul, and only humans are allowed to live forever. Urgh!

    And I think you can live forever, but not by something you drink, but by destroying all influences from outside the body, cell regeneration etc... and that is impossible at the moment.

    And if science is that far, religious fanatics would not use it because it is against the law of god. Also, it would be too expensive to make the population grow too much. Rich immortals, yay! But because we all will die before humanity finds out how to get the endless-life cheeseburger, kill you hope and eat it. Enjoy life, although it is unfair sometimes. And do not be so egoistic to think that you get to heaven and all people with a diffirent religion go to hell.
  13. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Here are 4 ideas I had:

    1) Souls are just recycled, so when you die your mind is wiped and you get born a new person somewhere else in the world, your body is just a husk for you to look through into the world.
    2) Like the first idea but you get reborn as yourself, and you just repeat your life over and over again. Thats why when you travel through time a version of you is there.
    3) We're in a coma and everyone else is a figment of your imagination. But your really in a big area where everyone else is like the Futurama episode where all the old people go when they die.
    4) When you die you go into eternal sleep.
  14. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i understand 1,2,and 4, but 3???? lol sorry but that made me rofl. i may not watch futurama but i want to see that episode now...
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    "Everybody's dying."
  16. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Well about living forever at the rate we allow people to expand our life span, in about 50 years it could be as much as 200, at that rate, we will live forever, and about population crisis, Mars, and other galaxies will hold the key. I'm with Chief Wiggums on this one though.
  17. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Actually there is such thing as cell regeneration, you may not beleive this but a man was in he accidently put his finger through a spinning propellor (It was a model plane with a motor just so you know) and it was cut off. He put this 'pixie dust' - don't ask - on it and in a few weeks it grew back. Here's the link:
    Pixie Dust

    My view on death. I don't know. I'm not religeous or anything but when I was youger I always thought that when you die you would come back to life - but as another person with no memory of your previous life (like reincarnation in Buddhism and maybe Sikhism). Now, I have no idea. I find it really hard to beleive that here is nothing after death, whuch is probably a sign that I am scared of it - which I'm not to embaressed to say. The human race always has been scared of 'the unknown'. It's an interesting subject in anyones book...

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