Featured Map: Death Trap Players 6-8 I still dont know where i got the inpiration to do this one. I just kinda went with it as i made it this morning. Layout: You will drop into the crypt otherwise this map will get boring in a quick fix. Notice the watch towers on your way down. Those will come in handy [/URL] Your respective blue and red bases will appear the same, there will be a gauss warthog, power drain, battle rifles, and ramps leading up to your long range sniper rifles. Perhaps some other goodies. [/URL] This base is up for grabs, each side has its perks as you will see. This base for example has window slits so that you can see incoming enemys, good team work and a completely fortifiable base does wonders for the soul. [/URL] But alas...what may look like just a rinky dink ruin scape will turn into advantage as the teleporter will take you to new heights [/URL] Where the map will be seen in a birds eye view from two watch towers, equiped with sniper rifles, leaving the opposing team ducking for cover or forcing an attack [/URL] The start of the match, it may be cliche', but this is the faceoff. Shield doors prevent an unnecessary losses but the crypt door will not be easy to take, and much blood will be spilled, no worries though, you wont have to respawn up here when you die. Strait to the dungeon you'll go. Think of it as a kick off...you dont have to go through it again until someone scores *wins the game in your case* [/URL] Map http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70182109
Sorry Dude But This Still Doesnt Reach Forgehub Standards. Go to Theatre Mode Next Time for Pictures. Ill Download Anyway. P.S. Less Power Weapons.
Ok, in theatre if you press the Y button and hold and analog in any direction you should go into free roam camera mode. Basically it takes the HUD off your screen allowing for clearer, better pictures. Next time it would be better to do this! The map is pretty cool but I would avoid having people drop into the Crypt like that. Already at the bottom you have 2 base like structures. At the start if you spawn up the top its going to be hell. Maybe adding some different cover there would help gameplay because all people are going to do is camp the sides and nade spam.