not the best screenshots but i think they are pretty cool what do yoy guys think? and what one is your favorite? Death Toll no name no name
All except first are... Not that special. But the first is very nice, and it makes up for the loss. Sorry about the rudeness, i was in a bad mood. But my smilie prawn cheers me up.
Well that was rude. I like the first one. I like how you got really close to the floor and the angle of the shot. The second one's alright but I really don't like how you can see the bubble shield generator. The third one has a nice angle and a nice pose but it's too bright and the splotch on the visor really ruins it. Decent pics overall.
yeah i didnt want the bubble sheild generator in the second one but if it wasnt in the shot then you could see to much of the kill ball in the back round