Hello, I'm Steve. Is the death penalty right or wrong? should it be completely humane, or should it still be classed as a punishment with pain. The electric chair is barbaric in my opinion, it's like cooking someone inside out, your just going as socially 'low' as the convicted killer. Although, I know what I just said, though if a guy murdered my sister, or my girlfriend, or any other member of my friends or family, I would want the person who did it to suffer for it, yes it sounds horrific although, I think most of us would, well unless you don't love the people around you. There are many arguements, and suggestions involved with 'The Death Penalty' Some people think it should be completely destroying the convicted's rights, taking everything off of them in a word...nothing. Just their own phsycopathic head to deal with for years and years in a padded sell with nothing, Plain food & Basic room. In a way if you take a mans life for a taking ones life, your just as bad as the convicted, I think the best way to deal with people like this is the arguement above its abit more humane, yet savage if you get what I'm saying the convicted would have to struggle with years of torment, and pay for those lives he/she took. But, if you execute them its giving them the wasy way out. What do you think? Tell me everything you know about this debate I'm really gripped in what people think about it, is it just me that thinks its wrong to kill? Steve
Oh, so my dad should be decapitated? RadiantRain, you are obviously someone who doesn't have a family member in jail. My dad is in there for wrong things, of course. But if he gets charged with the other crime, which he even told me himself he didn't do it with tears in his eyes, I will be without a father for the next 20-23 years. If he was to receive the death penalty, I'd be without a father for the rest of my life. I honestly think the death penalty is barbaric and is used today to save money. Is someones life worth less than money? Obviously today's government would say so. -- Also, it's funny how you say simply. Only someone with a foul heart could take someones head off, unless the person they're killing truly deserves it.
Good for you, but because someone makes a mistake they should die? I see you have no care for the innocents, forgiven, and misguided in jail/prison. Even though some will come out good, they deserve death. Funny, I think your views on justice are wrong, and even it does save money, there's other things to worry about, many more things.
See, that's a common misconception among most people. The costs to execute someone is more than it would take for a life sentence. Citation: Source
Your comments have lost your credability, at least from where I'm standing. It seems as if you have absolutely no value for human life. A non costly method. "OMG, its gonna cost $5000 to fix my disease! Just kill me. It'll be cheaper that way." So as long as its cheaper, you are happy to execute prisoners? So if someone shoplifts "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" if someone rapes someone else "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" a man attacks a tresspasser in their home before they attack him and is imprisoned for self defense "OFF WITH HIS HEAD". That is a sick method, that's just my opinion. So if we break the law, even in the slightest of ways, we forfeit all of our attributes that make us human and are treated like an dog that has attacked a person. IMO, the death penalty should only be applied in the most extremist of circumstances. Not for just anything, not to save space and not to save money. If you are happy to have people killed because its cheaper that way, you're sick.
Watch the flaming in here. I could toast a few marshmallows right now. Anyways, like what I've posted before, it's actually more costly to have an execution than to have a life sentence. Also, can't you consider the executioner the murderer too, or whatever?
Everyone who goes to jail should be executed? That's one of the most ignorant and silly statements I've ever heard, why the **** would people who were: -publicly intoxicated -Got in a fight -Committed tax evasion deserve a death sentence? And beheadings? LOL. Anyway more back on topic death penalty should be allowed, but the circumstances that require it need to be more set in stone. I think it should slightly stricter than it is now, but not at the point where only osama bin laden would be eligible for it. A nice medium would be good.
I think that people who kills others should face the death penalty, and not even the electric chair or noose, just a bullet through the head-quick and painless. I don't think that other crimes, even rape, should be punishable by death; only murders. As for what they do with other criminals keeping them in jail until they've surved their purpose is fine.
Something I've always thought wrong about the death penalty for murders. A vicious cycle would start. As for the flaming, please don't enter a debate unless you are willing to listen openmindedly, and bring up facts to defeat your opponents argument, not opinion.
I agree with him! I think that the death penalty should be used so it keeps people away from jail .. i know loads of people will complain at me now but its just what i think .. I hate crime and kids causing crime and murders .. So if someone murders he should be killed!
You think people who are past curfew intoxicated and get sent to jail should be murdered. Yes you have a point less crimes would be committed, but the real crime would be the number of people senselessly murdered. This is one of the dumbest things I've read in all of the debate forums, fantastic job.
Radiant, you have been quoted already, so deleting your posts just makes you look pathetic... Also, crimes are usually committed in the heat of the moment, which is in human nature. Some things we have to forgive and forget. My point is that too many people would have to die just because of something they couldn't control
Well, if I can't voice my opinion in a debate I might as well leave... That seems simple before people start giving me -rep...\\ And just for added fun, you think my death penalty Idea is cruel right... Well in mideveal times if you robbed they would cut off your arm, and in public to. That is why the world was much more sane back then, then it is now... Now cops are getting killed in Florida lots of them... Not only that but let me list a couple of torture devices that Romans and other mideveal people used to keep the empires in line. The Iron Maiden... Was basically a coffin with spikes inside, the spikes were positions so you would die more slowly. The Ox, or Cow.... Basically it was a metal cow, which was empty on the inside, what they did was put the criminal inside and light a fire underneath the metal ox/cow. The person died in their since it was meant as a death penalty. Then the mongolians which was self explanitory... BOIL them in water, or tie their limbs to horses and have the horses walk opposite so they would get ripped in half... You thinbk those empires had problems... No you think I'm cruel and evil, and what was worse it that it was done in public... I could go on and name a couple more devices that come to my head, but I won't. And just so we don't get off topic, those were death penalties for crimes, sometimes for prisoners of war and traitors. Remember that even kids who stole had their hands cut off. Just for stealing... B
We would still disagree with you even if we were discussing this in medieval or Roman times. We'd have the people that disagreed, and then the people that agreed, with the Death Penalty. I honestly think it should only be used only if it is a must to protect others, not you're damn wallet.
The medieval times were barbaric, to say the least, and if we brought back those options, then this world would be very screwed up
Sexist? When did we even mention the medevil times. How can you argue about it, its a waste of time. They are stories now, not something you can go back and change. People know that they were barbaric times but what's the point of trying to change the past? This is the debate forum and people are entitled to their opinions, I havent handed out neg rep in the debate forums. I understand this is a place for people to give their opinions... but I am sorry, what you're saying offends worries me. As I said, it seems like you have no value for human life. They didnt have electricity or much knowledge or sense in those times. If I'm not mistaken, during the bubonic plague didnt people tie themselves to a cross and whip themselves. Are you saying that this is a world you'd like to live in?
I don't agree This is not medieval times, dude it's the 21st century the only way man-kind can grow is through more education and less violence, it puts across a bad example to the people that the govermeant stands for execution or does it?
I think as a society, it is very hypocritical to condemn murder but then use it as a punishment. At the same time there are people out there who are a very real threat to our society, even while imprisoned. So there are rare instances where the death penalty is necesary. That doesn't mean that killing an individual is wrong, because it is.... regardless of the situation. Its just an unfortunate step we have to take as a culture to protect ourselves.