Death Fracture

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bl4ckhawk, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    This is my first post here on forgehub...I call it Death fracture. It's the first map ive ever completed so its not going to be the best map you'll ever see, but I promise you that its a fun map and I tried my best to make it that way. If a V2 is needed, please tell me and I will do my best to fix whatever is needed. My gamertag is BlackhawkO3...The "O" is a letter not a number!!!
    Good for slayer and multi flag only! Enjoy!!!
    Death Fracture
    Download here!
    Fracture's arsenal-
    Plasma rifles
    Plasma pistols
    Bubble shield
    Deployable cover (very useful here)

    Overview: this is death fracture

    The defenders base

    The attackers base

    Middle grounds..."The Fracture" it would be in your best interest to have your best man controlling this area.

    The left side

    A small bunker (Active camo spawns under this bunker)

    The shotty/brute spawn. (the brute shot is good on this map hint hint)

    The mauler monument (behind A/B signs)

    The creator

    More maps to come!!! If there was anything wrong in this post, I apologize I will fix it.
  2. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    Ya thats what I thought too, but I didnt want to crowd the map and make it look sloppy and what not, but thanks for the advice ill take it into concideration.
  3. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    I see potential here.
    i have always liked bunkers and they are used very well here.
    more cover in between bases would be would be nice.
  4. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    1 all i can say, seriously i read ur lil intro about this being ur first post on forgehub and i had a feeling it would be a bit like my first map completed, Highshot, it was good ideas and watnot but had a few downfalls, this is much better then that tho, the interlocking and geomerging is flawless, the bunkers are brilliant, and the overall set up is FANTASTIC, i love it, 5/5 and dl'ed wen i get xbox live back :(

    keep up the good work

    p.s i do kinda agree with the others tho, a lil more cover would be nice :)
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Welcome to Forgehub!

    I must admit that usually a first post features only a little basic interlocking and an overall sloppy map design, but you are definitely on the right track. It looks like you've already got most of the forging techniques down. Your map is very well done, I especially like the corner base. I'm not sure about the wall in the middle though and like others, i think some more cover is in order. But that aside, great first post and keep up the good work!
  6. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    I like it looks fun but what gametypes does it support? first post ill give it 5/5 but i wouldn't say it would get featured hope to see more. I love maps like this one because theres more then one good battle spot like i said before hope to see more keep forging.

    Senior Member

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    Good first post, sir. Though, I do have some concerns with some of the choices you made in the map's design. Most notably, the several, very low merged boxes. These boxes do nothing but slow down and break up gameplay, forcing players to jump when they shouldn't have to and are basically there just for the look of it. I'd encourage you to get rid of these boxes altogether, and avoid this style in future maps. Here are the ones I'm talking about (that I can see from the pictures):

    The single box on the right thats interlocked with the corner wall.

    The double box on the right hand side

    The box with the BR on it and the ones between the signs

    You clearly have a good grasp of the merging technique, but I'd encourage you not to use it just to be using it. The ways you have it currently implemented are harmful to a maps playability. In the future, try and make you maps more streamlined and remember that player flow is important, and you don't want to be slowing it down or restricting it. Good map design isn't as much about the structures themselves but rather the spaces in between them, and how a player interacts with them.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your work, because you definitely have a good knack for forging.
  8. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Don't post spam like this! This map is great! it has no need fore more cover.
    I love your design's and idea's. Also everything is very neat and clean. Plus almost every gametype is fun on this. And about the guy above me, if you want to keep them try making some ramps to speed things up a bit 3.5/5
    Great first post dude, add me and well forge sometime Lanky Frank

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