Do you think it is fair for someone to receive a death penalty for murdering another person? I would give you my personal opinion but my mind is clouded on this subject. Already been brought up, and take off your sig.
hell yes The only punishment better than it happens to be "cruel and unusual" With life sentence, somebody who has nothing gets 3 meals a day, safety, bed, and shelter. Cause they killed someone. Woah wait...what????? The only punishment that makes some sense (other than death) is solitary confinement. And if they do get the death penalty, I also think that they should spend their death row time in solitary confinement.
You also get the benifits of dropping the soap! but im talking about anyone killing anyone and dom my sig is the right size
right. Anyone that murders anyone deserves to be executed. Or mindfucked for the rest of their life. They do not deserve free meals, shelter, a bed, and any other benefecial consequences of killing somebody in some states.
Do you then believe that, once someone kills, they give up their human rights? The cost argument is a convincing one, as not only do these people get food and shelter, it is at the cost of society. But I feel this is the basis of our justice system, it means nothing unless we it in itself adheres to the morals is enforces. One very strong moral is that no one deserves to die. Thus no one, even someone who has killed (as they are still people) can be put to death without the justice system conflicting its own morals. Hate can be all to important in deciding these matters, and it really irritates me when people show footage of the relative of a murder victim asking them their opinion on the death penalty. Having someone you love killed can cause you to hate the killer so strongly, but it is too clouded a viewpoint to look at when trying to decide matters like this in an objective and sensible way. Don't let your hatred of murderers influence the law, then you and the law are no better than a person who kills someone that they hate. There are many arguments against this- -as above, the cost of maintaining murderers in prisons and the resentment it causes -The argument that the safest way to protect society is to stop these people once and for all. And they are very convincing, there are many possible downsides for society in having no death penalty, but a consistent moral boundary is essential if we are to remain cohesive as a society. There may be disadvantages but we must strive to retain the moral that no one deserves to die, just as we strive for the moral of free speech. Oh, and I think that Dom meant that you should remove your signature entirely within the Debate forum. Its in the rules sticky, I've forgotten alot and had to edit but you get used to it.