Death Flag Death flag is a game fun game if you don't mind dying because you will die a lot. 1v1, 2v2, it doesn't matter how many people are playing it is a fun game that has a ton of unexpected drops! Download Game Type Download Map
needs a better description and some of the pics dont work but from what i can see it just looks like a small arena withe bombs and you have to take the flag it is simple but seems like you will die a little too much 2/5
With a couple of simple improvements to the map, this could actually play very well. Just add some more cover, especially around the center of the arena, and REMOVE THE FALLING FUSION COILS. Those things ruin everything. So, for now, about a 2/5, but if you implement my suggestions, there's a possible 4/5 or even 5/5 if it plays well.
The fusion coils are a bit overkill in my opinion, wouldn't they just scatter all the cover you placed in the middle which basically defeating the purpose of the cover in the middle. I also suggest you add a floating wall in the middle of the map, that way it'll block the line of sight from one flag to the other while still allowing the people on the ground to shoot eachother.
Teehee, that makes me laugh that such a simple map like this can amaze me. Anyhow, it looks great and all but you didn't even color code the two boxes on the map. Red team gets a green box and blue team gets a red box? How does that make any sense? So I recommend that you make nother version immediately so that you can fix all these problems: Falling fusion coils need to be gone Color coded boxes, either same color, or Red Team gets red box and Blue Team gets blue box Make sure the ground is smooth as a baby's bottom Try interlocking the flag into each base so that you can only see the flag, and not the stand So, great idea, and love the map. Just needs more then 1 hour's effort put into it. Thanks and have a very great awesome super sweet day!
If I'm not mistaken you're supposed to leap frog from wood crate to wood crate because if you touch the bridges you'll be below the death barrier. A mate of mine made one like this a while back. Fun for a few minutes but then it becomes annoying when the other team just destroys the safe spots so you can't get across.
Another idea, is to make it wider by using double boxes, and put a teleporter to hold all the movable stuff down..
Needs some improvement and work to be done on it. You should also add some scenery or something to it to improve. Overall, needs improvement. Sorry.