Download Death Chill Description: Death Chill is a competative map that works with regular slayer, oddball, king of the hill, and jaggernaut. It is designed to make it easyer to reach parts of the map. Weapons: x2 smg x2 battle rifle x2 magnums x1 sword x1 needler x1 plasma pistol x1 assault rifle x1 covanant carbine x2 shotguns x1 sniper rifles x1 rocket launcher x1 brute shot Equipment x12 frag grenades x14 plasma grenades x1 bubble shield x1 power drain x1 radar jammer x1 regenerator x1 flare x1 trip mine x1 gravity lift x1 deployable cover x1 active camo x1 overshield Pics: ramp between worlds Ghost Wall Stairway to heaven Heaven House of hell Hell Gates to Heaven Thank You
Wow this looks very original. Probably the best map I've seen on Cold Storage, no doubt. It seems it would be good for Oddball and Slayer, and perhaps Infection depending on the party size. I will Download for sure.
Not many maps on Cold Storage out there. Brave of you to attempt and it turned out good. I like the separation between heaven and hell. Very well forged and it looks fun for CTF. 4.5/5 and a DL
wow we certainly have not had a cold storage map on forge hub in awhile! ...or at least not that i've seen... regardless, this map makes up for the great absence of cold storage maps! probably makes for great competitive gameplay too! great job!
I like the idea of how theres a heaven and hell, works really nice, and looks very well made. Finally a cold storage map. Nicely made, and nice gameplay. Good job. 4/5
I'm gonna say this is probably the best cold storage map I've seen so fat! Very original and great layout. Everything looks smooth and clean. Wish I could DL but I have to much space on my hard drive. 5/5 though
i dont think that ive ever seen a cold-storage map this good, it really is a diamond in the rough. that being said, there are a crap-load of power weapons. it almost gives you a feeling like the pit. you have my download and congradulations for a map well forged, keep it up. 5/5 rofles.
Wow this is a very original cold storage map, and I think that gameplay should play very well. Improve: There is a sword in a room next to a camo, people can really take over the game with this. I would get rid of the house, or just get rid of the shield door Looks good, the pros override the cons
Very nice. I like your idea to put many ramps to let the players get around the map more. You have way too many power weapons and equipment there. I strongly recommend you removing them. This looks really well-made, but in the 'house of hell' pic, try removing the shield door so as to prevent camping with the shotgun or sword since you put too many weapons. Good job, but not download yet. I will download if you fix those weapons in v2.
Looks great, nice forging, i like the structures and how you made it easier to get to new places, i have one HUGE concern though, you have many shield doors and on the weapons list, it says... x1 sword x2 shotguns x1 rocket launcher and x1 invis x1 overshield, it just seems like it might have to many power weapons. If you make a v2, this map should be perfect. -IX ParamouR XI