Well this is the first map I have ever uploaded to the forge hub, so tell me if I made any mistakes. Suggested Players: 6-12 Suggested Gametypes: Capture the Flag (Slayer is operational, but not recommended) Death Canyon is a capture the flag map that revolves around one central structure, the giant "canyon" in the middle of the map. If they want to get the flag, players are forced to jump into the back of the canyon and hope that they don't get shot while running through. As if the flag werent enough motivation to go down there, there is also a sniper rifle right in between the two flags. Once the player is out of the canyon he/she must then run to the back room where both flag turn-in points are (along with an energy sword). The layout of the map is typically as follows. The Canyon is in the center and is shaped like a U only with the right side slightly shorter than the left. The walkway on top wraps around the canyon in almost all cases (except on the left side where the canyon exits) and the back room is on the bottom of the canyon (looking at it as if it were a U). The entire map is two stories high, excluding the canyon and back room which are both first floor. This map is designed to see how well one can hold a flag when he/she is visible to every player on the map. The merging isn't the best in the world and it does look a little scrappy at certain places but like I said before, this is my first map uploaded to the forge hub and I would say I did pretty good for my first try. Weapons List Shotgun x1 Battle Rifle x2 SMG x2 Needler x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Brute Shot x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Spiker x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Energy Sword x1 Download Death Canyon
I love the idea of the canyon. The interlocking isnt phenomenal but its definetely very good, and you got a good layout of the canyon going. If it was me building the map, I woulda focused gameplay more on the top row of the canyon, and maybe build more along the walls on the way down. But anyways, Im sure youll get planety of DL's on this but none from me. You missed it by a bit.
this is a very interesting idea. have you thought of making it a race type map? that would be both sick and funny to see many mongooses racing around the tight turns. i like it. good job! you have a dl from me!
This really would benefit from a weapons list. I'd also like to know what gametypes this is compatible with before I download it. Maybe some more pictures, too. Overall it looks good, but I don't know if it warrants my room saved for the Mythic Maps yet. It could easily, given some more information. I am seriously going to check in later because the current pictures look promising.
your map looks very nice. it is a nice idea to create a way to punish people for falling while opening a option for the flag carrier being chased. if the map flows well. i think its going to be downloaded a lot. you did a nice job forging the map too.
this map looks good. the idea of the canyon is nice, but i dont know what it's layout looks like. is it shaped like a U? an layout overview would get you my dl. but from the pics the interlox look nice
This map is sure different from most and I do like the canyon idea you put there. Although I would like to see some more interlocking in the map so it would look smooth and a whole lot more professional! anyways nice idea!
I thought the map was a tad bit too small. I also didnt like how where the sniper is, there isnt anywhere else to go really. Overall it didnt exactly have great interlocking and wasnt the best idea for a map because people down below are pretty much dead. I thought that this was gonna be something much more different when I clicked on the title but I realized it wasnt that good. If you change the layout and maybe put boxes on angles it could be better. Also make the canyon below a bit bigger and possibly add tunnel systems. You dont have to take this advice but I would enjoy it if you would attempt it. So far I have this map down as a 2.4/5. Really could've been better. And gameplay seems like it would be too much of the higher ground fight.
good job although I'd put more ways from the bottom of the canyon to the top. Also It would benefit from a few more routes. Possibly some caves in the canyon floor. anyways... 4/5