Death Camp

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Av917, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Av917

    Av917 Ancient
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    Death Camp
    My newest close range Map is Death Camp. Death Camp is a close range map with lots of shield doors and boxes, every thing in the map is very neat and thought out. Lots of close range weapons and no power weapons at all.
    Game Types: Oddball, Slayer,
    Weapons: BR, shotgun, Assault rifle, plasma nades, and frags
    Players: 4-12
    Watch Video Tour here:

    You can Download the map here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing



  2. V

    V Ancient
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    Well umm first off, this needs a lot more cover. It's really open and the shotgun would do nothing unless you camp with it which brings me to my next topic. The shield doors need to go. Shotgun + Shield Doors = Mega Camping. Finally it needs to be interlocked. I suggest you make a v2 with a little more cover, less shield doors (and if you have to put in a shield door, at least make it so there's not a gap between it and the wall), a few more weapons, and interlock as much as you can. And one more thing, dont rate your own thread; That's childish and that's something the little four-year-olds at do.
    EDIT: Don't get discouraged by my criticism though as this is a nice job for a first map you just need to do a lot more for it to become a great map.
  3. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    agree with above statement, but for a first post, its not bad
  4. SDV

    SDV Ancient
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    looks like boxes bridges and shields to me... needs more stuff
  5. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    This is much more like default foundry than an original foundry map. You should make a v2 interlocked. I think it has enough cover, but you should tell us how many of each weapon you have, because it doesn't seem like a lot. You have also made some gutsy claims in your video, saying everything is very well thought out. I don't think that this map is a greatly thought out map. I think what drives my thoughts the most is the similarity to default foundry, which makes me think that the gameplay is very similar. It is still good for a first map, but most maps have some sort of originality, which I cannot see here

    Make your font smaller. It is very messy and you should have a few more pictures. Other than that, good job posting

    When I saw the name, I thought cool, a WWII **** map. I thought it would be an interesting casual map, based on what might happen in a Death Camp.
  6. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    "NO POWER WEAPONS..." What do you think a shotgun is? It is one of the most powerful close range weapons in Halo next to the energy sword. Also, plasma grenades can easily be chucked over walls and are more lethal than a frag grenade. In your future posts, please do not type in all caps and a large text, it makes it annoying to read. I, too, am sorry for coming down hard on your map.
  7. Puffy Goodness

    Puffy Goodness Ancient
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    Looks something like what I tried to pull off a long time ago. I just threw a whole bunch of of crap together and all I got was more crap. But at least its neat crap, interlocking is really really essential nowadays. I hope to see a v2 coming along here soon.
  8. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey the map has a great concept i just recomen'd giving a bit mroe cover like other people said, also for you next post i suggest using a smaller font size. It makes your thread look alot more professional and it will make people more likely to downlaod your map. Other then that the map looks really nice and looks like it could result in great game paly
  9. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    it looks good for a open map but i suggest you should off made like uper walk ways and other plat forms for fighting
  10. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Death Camp seems like a god name for this map because that's how the majority of the kills will happen, by people camping. Also decrease the size of your font it's kinda obstreperous, not a good thing.
  11. thrame1807

    thrame1807 Ancient
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    All right

    It's ok not good not bad but dude interlocking is something people want it needs more cover and less sheilds

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