I made a map a few days ago in forge and got a party going with a bunch of people. It was fun and people liked my map until some **** kept on getting out of the map (which I thought I had asshole-proofed). Eventually people started leaving and saying it was stupid, even the people that were saying they loved it before the jackass started pulling his stunts. I realize this is kind of my own fault for not making it "well" enough but still...imagine how bungie must feel when videos get made everyday of people getting out of maps and stuff...it's less harmless when it's just good ol' exploring but when people could get into cheap areas or get boosted by team-mates or what not they must be pissed...i know i was. A good example of this is when Halo 3 was fairly new and people were getting to a certain spot on valhalla. Anyways, just wanted to vent because some nappy headed hoe ****ed up my game...And sorry bungie, for doing it to you! ~S373N
I mean you are right for the fact that people exploit Bungies maps, although the fact that the people criticized your map for lack of construction is both wrong and right...
Damn right you should be sorry. Anyways, we're not Bungie, first of all. And if that guy is getting out of the map, report him to Bungie.
sooo.... what's wrong with getting out of the map again? It's not like they're using mods or anything.
If anything those videos help bungie block off parts of the maps. Everyone makes mistakes, and games are bound to have many glitches. The videos in the long run help more than hurt imo. I mean, without the vids, bungie wouldn't find as many hiding spots.
And because of that we should be reporting them? Is that really necessary? Even though we're not Bungie, I applaud you for posting this here, and not going to their forums. Little Kids might have eaten you alive by now.
Its bungie's fault that they put stupid ****ing extra geometry on the maps to make them look better when they can clearly be used to escape the normal boundaries and hide.
Hey, just remember, some maps need to be gotten out of such as some puzzle maps but I still know how you feel when you talk about people getting out the map. It can be pretty annoying.