Deadmans Landing is a large scale infection map that will be like nothing you've ever played before. All buildings so far are able to be entered unlike some infection maps i've seen where you can only stare and wish you could enter. I have a variety of buildings nearly complete but i could really use some ideas of buildings you would find in a creepy town. Buildings so far: - Indoor/ Outdoor Bar - Car Dealership - Sunken Business Buildings - Grandma's House - Gas Station Those are the buildings i have started or finished so far. Im thinking about adding a cememtary way out in the darkness but i'd like to hear what you guys have to say. I can get more pictures up in a couple hours when my brother gets off the X-box. Until then I have one picture... The car dealership Some of the pictures are dark but you guys will have to figure out what building is shown in each picture.
Firstly, can you go into the dark areas? If not you need a bunch more cover in the main part.Even just from that picture, it looks bare. Also, have you considered using filters? Because, even though people say it interferes with sight, I think it is a brilliant way to introduce atmosphere into a map.
lol.. you could have just used a double wall for that middle structure instead of going through the trouble of ghost merging the two walls. I really am looking forward to the rest of this map.. if you need any help or comments on the map.. Id be happy to do any of those..
I am using the map to its fullest potential, so no guardians. The map will most likely have the juicy filter on because it makes dark areas even creepier. I have already utilizied the darkness; thats where grandma's house, the church/ graveyard and the sunken city are. I should have more pictures soon i just need to find my charger before my laptop dies.
If you were going to go for dark then using the outside parts with the guardians is a good choice.. Also using the maps full potential would be expanded the map to the outsides.
A police station/jail is being added to the list if budget allows for it. Bar/Grill- 100% Car Dealership- 90% Gas Station- 20% Sandmen Spawn- 0% Human Spawn- Undecided Location Grandma's House- 100% Sunken City- 60% Jail- 0% Church/Graveyard- 30%/100% I still need ideas for some structures. and they will be smaller than the buildings ive shown. About $700 dollars left
I like how you are using the darkness to make the game interesting. Because the light is so much of an advantage, make sure the humans are more vulnerable in the light.
I think you should add blue/red lights to the dark area. It will add atmosphere( like red will make you fear more) and if you put it on the floor, it will distort the light in a way which makes the humans feel uncompfortable.
I will put lights in different dark areas. I havent done it yet because i'm trying to see where they fit in with the budget. I figure ill say this before anyone asks about it. The map will be very spread out in an attempt to recreate a sunken city. This means humans will need to stay in groups to increase their chances of survival. Vehicles will play a pivital role on this map, for humans and zombies. I want to give thanks to CaptnAwesomee for this idea and ultimately inspiring me to make my own version. I still need ideas for smaller buildings and could also use suggestions on naming the map. Thanks, bK Nibs --- The name has been set to Haddonfield. I should be able to get a beta version up and ready before Friday if i stay on track. I have under $200 and i think im getting really close to the item limit. --- The money limit has been reached and i'm just about out of money. After making a few tweaks to the gametype i will post the link and you guys can get some games in and tell me what you think. I will try to get the link up by the end of the day.