Deadly Desire Created by Clarky31 [br] Supported Gametypes: Any Slayer types but best for normal Slayer [br] Map Description I’ve created a map called ‘Deadly Desire’, I created it on the map foundry. It is good for slayer matches or small team matches but if you like chaos then it is also good for big team matches. This map was purely built to have some fun slayer game type matches. The reason why I called it ‘Deadly Desire’ is because in the centre of the map is a very powerful weapon but it is also in the most open area of the map. So you are risking your life trying to get this weapon, before anyone else, hence the name ‘Deadly Desire’. Sorry I'm not too good at explaning my maps but actions speek louder than words, so play this map too see how good it is. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Base Teleport [br] Camo Camp [br] Ghost Hideout [br] Hammer Alley [br] Rocket House [br] Shotty Tunnel [br] Sniper Perch [br] Sword Den [br] The Base [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Weapons on Map: •3 Snipers •1 Rockets •1 Gravity Hammer •1 Spartan Laser •2 Shotguns •1 Energy Sword •4 Battle Riffles •2 Brute Shots •2 Maulers •2 Spikers •2 Plasma Pistols •4 Plasma Rifles •4 SMGs •2 Needlers •2 Magnums •2 Covenants Carbines •4 Machine Gun Turrets •2 Plasma Cannons Grenades on Map: •4 Plasma Grenades •2 Firebombs •4 Frag Grenades •1 Spike Grenade Equipment and Power Ups on Map: •2 Bubble Shields •2 Generators •2 Deployable Covers •2 Powers Drains •2 Gravity Lifts •1 Radar Jammer •1 Trip Mine •1 Active Camo •1 Over Shield Vehicles on Map: •2 Mongooses •2 Ghosts There are also two 2-way teleports that can be strategically used and can help you get the upper hand on your opponents. My friends and I have played quite a few matches on this map now and they have all told me they really like the map. We have had some really fun FFAs on this map. I no it seems like I have spammed this map with every weapon when you play you relise it works though. [br] Download Deadly Desire [br]
Theres no error in the way the images upload, i'v heard this 1000 times. You havnt got on the left and [/img) on the right (that last ')' backet must be a ']' ) Put those on both sides of every link, and they will show up, also, always use the link called 'direct link to image' Its the very bottom one on imageshack.
Ok thanks IVLatty pics are fixed now they didn't work becuase I was using flickr to host the images not image shack.
I like it, it sort of needs adding some stuff to it, its a bit bland. But on the other hand, I think it looks ok. I wont continue, I'm too confused.
Yeah it does look a bit basic.. but thaz not always bad, just don't except your DL count to shoot through the roof. It seems like it would have a bit of 'Boarding Action' feel to it. I don't see how anyone would want to venture into the middle. Also you have nearly as many Snipers as you do BRs? And six turrets? wuddafuxup!? Just dont seem right to me.. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
when using regular boxes that aren't open always have them flipped over to have a nice smooth walkway but looks ok for a first map
I think that theres wwaayy to much equipment and stuff. It seems a little too over the top with weapons. I think that simple is better. And at least it is your first post, if it wasn't you would get more critcism from people. Other than that, ok map, good post and Welcome To Forghub. =]
Hmm, sword den, march 3rd, 11:09:78-Dear diary, the den seems very overpowered with overshield sword, firebombs, and plasma cannons. Lol, thought id put it in story form :|
my god that is one overpowering aspect of the map, so many powerful grenades, powerful powerups, powerful turrets, powerful swords, powerful everything! tone it down on that double box
a basic map that looks really nice and sometimes basic is better than some of the crazy things that are made these days because its actually different!
Ok thanks for the comment guys but if you think about it that area is not overpowered because if they use the stuff up there they can be easily taken out with rockets, sniper and ghosts.