Deadborough By REMkings A city, shattered. The ever enduring civil war had taken away everything that was once beautiful about this obsolete English town. Many men had died, many others had fled the place when they still had the chance. For a reason unknown to everyone, the civilians had been killing their former brothers and fellows. Little they knew, there was something far more dangerous approaching them in the shadows... Heavily outnumbered and unfortunately trapped in this ruined district of the city, they have to work together this time in order to survive this awakening undead madness! Prologue Hello and welcome to my latest map on ForgeHub, called "Deadborough". It's been almost 10 months since I posted a map on here, but I have a few projects rounding up so there is more to come! Deadborough is the name of the infested city in which the players may roam about and utilize numerous buildings, weapons and other resources to increase their chances of survival. Find your way in the many buildings, each of them offering a unique set up and play style. (I'll cover them in detail elsewhere in this thread.) Or get yourself a seat in either the warthog or the mongoose, and race through the streets, fly over the jumps and rattle over the many bumps and cracks in the road. Indeed, the map offers both vertical and horizontal gameplay: You can climb the many levels of the buildings or drive around in the beloved warthog to slay off the swarming zombies. It's all up to you and your comrades. Teamwork is greatly recommended if you want to live longer or even make it to the end of the round. Keythings I wanted to create a city map with nothing but accessible buildings, while keeping a realistic and ruptered feeling that suited the background story well. I focussed heavily on making the gameplay very vertical, because I haven't seen that being done a lot before, even though it actually makes sense to go to the top of the building and only having to look down. However, don't get me wrong, this map is not campable. Every room has multiple entrances that can't be guarded all at once on your own. You will need other players to help you survive. I also tried to implement fear into this map (though definitely not as much as in LSIALM) and to stimulate the will to make it through unharmed. The placement of the zombie teleporters adds to this greatly, because you never know when they are going to come and where they'll be coming from. The buildings and strongholds on the map There are five main buildings in this map, each one of them being accessible to players and containing all kinds of weapons. I'll cover each one of them here. The Tower The Tower is by far the tallest building on the map, making it a highly appealing and very useful building to enter. The building offers numerous weapons, such as a sniper and grenade launcher and a few shotguns. It is also one of the two buildings on the map with an accessible roof, and the only one with a flat one. Be careful though: there are two entrances so make sure to have someone watching your back. If you can get a couple of guys with you, this building is one of your best options if you want to stay alive. The Office The Office is the biggest building on the map. Among others you can find a turret and a magnum in this building. The top floor is a great way to keep off the zombies while being able to stay at a distance, making it a safe and well arranged stronghold. However, the tricky interior design still disables camping possibilities and makes you require one or two other players if you want to have a fair chance of survival. This allowed me to use only one entrance to the top floor, while keeping it balanced for both humans and zombies. The Flat The Flat is one of my favorite buildings on this map, because unlike with all of the other buildings on the map, this one allows you to switch back from "window to door" all the time. That is, guarding the staircase for a few seconds, and then walking over to a window or hole in the wall shooting at zombies passing by. It's the second biggest building on the map after the Office, and brings you a couple of weapons like a sniper and some shotguns. There's also a Harry Potter's closet sized somewhat hidden room, which can be a funny spot to take for the Last Man Standing, if he were to be in the Flat. The House The House is mostly used for the fact that you can climb the roof. The building offers a couple of weapons like shotguns and a turret. From the roof you can see most of the map, but you have to keep in mind that zombies can teleport very near to you, so if you want to have time to look around, make sure you always have a buddy guarding you and vice versa. The room inside of the intact part of the house is also worth checking out, especially if you can bring a few shotguns to the battle. The Bunker The Bunker is the least used building on the map, due to it's small size. That's a pity though, because it's actually a very neat building with entertaining gameplay. The Bunker offers several shotguns, and also a grenade launcher and magnum. It's located next to the Office, so you can also communicate with players inside of that building to get yourself some extra support. There are two entrances to the top floor, so make sure you don't forget about the not so obvious one. From the top floor, you can also quickly pick up some assault rifle ammunition from the little shack next to the building. Driving the warthog Using the vehicles on this map, such as the warthog, is definitely fun to do and worth giving a try. There are many, many routes you can take, and every part of the road is drivable in both directions. Make sure to watch your speed though when you drive, because the jumps can be a bit tricky and so can be the turns. Here are a few pictures to give you an impression of what the warthog gameplay is like. Screenshots Click the spoiler to view some more screenshots! Spoiler I will add these tomorrow. It's bedtime now xD Epilogue Thanks for reading this thread, and I hope you'll like this map. It's not the best map I've ever built, I can honestly say that, but it's definitely neat and it will take you quite a lot of games to play before you'll know the locations of all the weapons and strongholds! Have fun! Download links Map - Deadborough Gametype - zm_Outbreak Special thanks to - Beybok - - DarkRebellion52 - - El Trocity - - The Berb 9 - - x hunter33 - - zigywig - - The Psycho Duck - and many others I'm forgetting right now but have constantly helped me testing this map - - Mr Pokephile - For reviewing my map even before it was finished Community Creations Ep. 12 Deadborough (Custom Halo:Reach Map) HD - YouTube And eventually for doing the THFE feature video as well: "Deadborough" - YouTube
Ah, the many times i have played this with you and the others already I have seen the map become better and better with each match. Unfortunatly, last time the lagg and connection were terrible (I dont have to tell you that, we heard you complaining XD) and i couldnt play the map normally. But what am i saying? This is absolutly great, i loved playing the first few matches on it. And yeah, the tower, as far as i now its awesome to hold out there, tricky to get in. But then the grav lift spawns... Great map again, love it just like LSIALM!
Yeyyy I feel special In all seriousness, this is a great map Remco. Deadborough definitely has very unique gameplay. The Warthog is really well fitted to the map. You have done well to balance it because it is in no way the best option to survive, like in many Infection maps. I like the verticality you have implemented into the map. It feels a lot more realistic in the way that I would actually defend myself against zombies; getting to the top of a building and holding them off with some buddies, so well done on making a truly original map. One question, did you get rid of the disco?
:'D I feel special. I can say that I really enjoyed this map a lot, I love holding out in the tower. It just has a great vantage point and you can see almost everything happening around you. This made me wish I had desire to forge in Reach. Definite DL and nom.
Yay! I made the list! Ok first off, this map is terrible. The aesthetics are ugly, and provides terrible gameplay... Second off, ignore what I just said Third off, this map is amazingly fun to play on. I loved testing it out with you. It provides fun gameplay for the zombies and the humans, although I mostly just drove around in circles in the warthog. In this map, it's all up to how you want to play it, if your a human or a zombie. If you want to drive in a warthog, or snipe from a building, the gameplay will be unforgettably fun.
Woot! Thanks for all the kind words mates! It's only still there by the edges of the map, so it won't bother gameplay whatsoever. And pyro and FlyingShoe ILR agreed after looking at it in Forge that there isn't really anything I could do about it. You might come across some disco when going through some of the teleporters as a zombie, but it's definitely not problematical anymore.
I only have one piece of criticism. If the bunker is the least used building, you should have made it a little more appealing to go to. I have never even thought of holding out in there, nor did I find any shotguns in there, probably because I always run towards the house building off the initial spawn. I find a good way to balance out an unused holdout spot is to make it very powerful, test it, then slowly take away advantages for that spot until you have just the right amount of power designed behind the spot. A perfect example of this is what you did to "the flat" it is a much better spot to holdout now. Love the map, love the theme and I love playing it. Great job REMkings. That's all for now.
Paints is right about the bunker, i have been in it 1 time i think. But that is not where i have come back for. I have an question, what is the "Disco"? I guess it means z-fighting, but i want to be sure
Disco is caused by too many objects on screen at the same time. It is NOT the same thing as Z-fighting OR framerate. When your on the beach side of Deadborough looking towards the whole map, you'll get the disco effect. It is not to be confused by Framerate drops either. Framerate drops are caused by your line of sight(for example, looking at a whole wall made out of glass will cause framerate, even though the map has no disco effect. I'm assuming you already know what Z-fighting is so I won't explain that one.
Firstly I will say that what you did was made very well. I felt like I was in some sort of city complex while I played on Deadborough. The aesthetics were well and and each area felt unique. my time here was enjoyable. However, I found a few things that made me frown. I don't like frowning. There were times when I felt it wasnt that difficult to survive, if you found a nice place to camp. I'm not too fond of this. Even while I was literally not caring whether I lived or died, I got bored a few times while staying in the top of a building. There were also a few times the map's geometry stopped me. I died once or twice because there was a spot I had to jump, but not high enough to notice the change in elevation. Other times I got stuck in a soft kill zone for a few seconds before realizing I had to jump out (I never died from this). A general smoothing would do the map good. one last thing I found was the disco, which I am confident you are aware of. This was a fun game, but it can be improved. I look forward to seeing it in the future.
That was mostly due to the fact that we were only playing with 8 people and one zombie at start. Believe me, it gets a lot more hectic when you're playing with a full lobby, also on top of the tower. You'd have to show me where that happened, because I'm not sure what spots you're talking about. Yep. But I did everything I could, and it's only still present on the edges of the map, when you walk by as a zombie. Thanks for the feedback! I know, I did improve it but it's still not very popular due to its location: people don't see it off spawn. There are a few ARs and shotguns, a grenade launcher and a magnum inside so it's definitely worth checking out. But I'm fine with the way it is now, it doesn't have to be the best building on the map. I'm not sure how I could improve upon it even further anyway without making things too ridiculous. I guess it's okay this way.
I can do that. Aso about the easy to survive, I'm not entirely convinced the reason was solely the player count, but I'll take your word for it.
Alright. As it's pretty difficult for me to find time to get on the xbox, and even more difficult to arrange a meeting with someone not European, it's probably best if you just get me some pictures of the areas you were talking about (and maybe adding things like cirkels or arrows to show me in detail). By the way, I agree that this map indeed is not as challenging as Lone Souls in a Lost Mine, but there isn't much I can change about that - or should be wanting to change, considering the play style of this map.
Interesting quandary... The map is certainly fun, though lacks the challenge of others and that i know you are capable of. making the gametype would alter the difficulty, though the map would have to be completely remade if it were to provoke more difficult encounters. I wouldn't want to see you redo the map here, but in the future I do think i would like to see you do more complex/challenging maps than this. As for images, I'll do that next time im on xbox, but I dont go on much. I can tell you I remember being hung up around the edge of a track for the warthog. The last image (before the spoiler) shows the hog about to come to that turn. There was one other spot but i cant remember where it is anymore... Sorry.
Congratz bro! I was looking around for it when you post! Great job on it, you could capture a different looking freeroam map in a masterpiece right here. Definetly, your urban squeme and aesthetics are unique, I was surprised the first time I got my eyes in the buildings plant. I couls see a lot of experience and effort from a guy who really knows about create the feelings of a dramatic and perfect athmospher for a infection based map.
There was actually a reason why the map was built in such an "unchallenging" way, with a lack of better words. Originally I intended to create a specific gametype for this map, and the layout of the map as how it is right now really fits that way that gametype is supposed to be played. However, I didn't get to testing that gametype yet and by now I kinda gave up on it. I might still do it but it's more likely to happen in Halo 4 or not to happen at all. I have good news for you though. Favela Run is rounding up and that map was one hell of a challenge, I can assure you that. The warthog edge on the left of the vehicle in the last image has been fixed, you can't jump over anymore, not on foot nor with the hog. If you remember that other spot, just tell me in a comment! Thanks bro! I always try my best at giving my maps a typical Infection theme and atmosphere. Personally I consider that to be one of the main aspects of Infection forging. I've also included it in an Infection guide I'm working on, but I haven't been able to publice it yet because I'm so busy at the moment..
I was glad i got to test this a while ago. It's rare to see a free-roam map that blends vertically-oriented holdout gameplay with fun vehicle gameplay. The atmosphere i well-executed, and the map is in general a lot of fun. Good work. Also, sorry I didn't join your party the other day, I was busy and had to go somewhere right then.
After playing it the other day, I felt that I needed to come back and comment. It was so fun. It's one of the only infection maps where I actually have fun as a zombie. I thought that it was great how you could pick to get in the warthog, run along the ground, or snipe from a building. Great map. Keep forging.
Thanks! I will definitely continue forging in Halo 4. Me and Elliot are working on plans to make one sick map together, which is going to offer a completely new experience of Infection/Flood. And personally I also made a lot of plans over the last year that I decided to delay so I can make them in Halo 4 instead. Stay tuned I'd say!
This map reminds me of the good old halo 3 maps on foundry, i like the flat and the tower, one thing i would say is to remove the warthog it makes it too hard for the zombies.