Okay im not actually sure where to post these maps tbh.. so sorry if this is the wrong place. This is Dead Wood. its a 1v1 to 6v6 map, currently at Beta stage and supports CTF and Team slayer (will support more soon but these are just current) Now, this map was almost a trial for something fairly big i wanted to try, ive been thinking since release on how to make the full use of scripting in ways which will change the map not just to get access to places like the gates and i finally decided on this, from the start its a clean maps... but there are 2 places on the map where if you go over a mine (which is buried so you cant see it) it will explode that area, once exploded, it will leave a crater in which you can use as cover, this has 2 uses for the game, number one at the beggining of the game it will be a vehicle heavy map, hogs will be roaming the ground and you will be trying to find higher ground to try and take them out, but when these explosions happen and there are craters the hogs will have a harder time of the battlefield, theyll be forced to take other routes and be more careful round other to make sure they dont go in the ditch, if they do, they will be able to get out but it will take longer leaving them vulnerable and it will give foot soldiers more places to get in and get cover. I do have alot of pieces left so let me know what you think and if there are any improvements The easter egg does need fixing and the crater areas need some land mines put in so when you enter that zone and it goes off it will kill you.. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...od/dc9f04f3-e301-4032-910e-e99fe675c117/posts So yeah, cheers all!