Dead Space

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DimmestBread, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    So, has anyone gotten this game besides me?

    I got it a couple days ago. GOt it used and I asked the worker at ebgames why they already have a used copy and he said that the kid who returned it was too frightened to play it.

    Basically, it did not deserve a review of 6 from xbox magazine, especially since everywhere else gave it 9's and 10's. It is a very good game that you could argue is somewhat, but not really, like bioshock. There is no multiplayer, but the campaign is amazing. The game is pretty scary. Its third person and there is nothing on your screen except your person, so it adds to the scariness. When it is silent you hear your character breathing. Theres occasional sounds that will keep you alert and you turn sorta slowly and that adds to the scariness because you can't see whats around you very fast.

    Overall, it is definately worth it, especially if you need a long game with a good campaign. Anyone planning on getting it?
  2. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    This thread should be posted in gaming discussion, not Halo discussion. If you could have it moved that would be good.

    Anyway, dead space looks good and I'm thinking about getting it. Haven't played it though.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i almost bought this, instead i bought rainbow six vegas 2... and i dont know whether or not i did the right choice... just how long is the campaign, did you say? and what variety of weapons are there?
  4. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I've been slowly playing through the game when I am not scared shitless of it. I'd say I'm about two thirds of the way through it and I'm about 8 hours in. The weapons are fun, but relatively weak and limited, adding to the creepiness of the game. Definitely worth playing. Rent it though, don't buy, cuz I have a feeling that once I'm done with it I won't play it again :/
  5. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I have the game and I'm sh*t scared to play it. I'm currantly on chapter 6 and it's pretty hard. (Even though I'm doing the game on easy difficulty) I was excited about the game since June and now I have it but I don't play it that much. :\ My friend ShadowKiler01 got the game 4 days ago and he's already beaten the game. :O

    The weapons are good, but there's not enough ammo in the game, it's mainly just health packs, plasma energy (I know that's ammo but it's crappy ammo) and small amounts of credits, in the first chapters up to chapter 4 it's all good, you have, weapons, ammo, health packs and nodes to upgrade your equipment/weapons. Until chapter 5, that's when things start to get really though.

    I'd rate the game 9.5/10 as it has a lot of things to do and you are always scared to what's going to happen next, when you don't make a sound, you do hear yourself breathing and things falling, others roaring and sometimes even crying. :'( I must say, the game is too scary even for me, but it's also very fun at the same time.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I will officially never look at a baby the same again. Just though I'd throw that out there. And i'm only on chapter 3. I can't play it that much or I start to freak out.
  7. Shad0wAssassin5

    Shad0wAssassin5 Ancient
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    I got it about a 2 days ago and I am on chapter 6 and the reason I'm on 6 is because I am trying to get all the logs. I am doing it on the easy difficulty only because I am trying to get the achievements. Also why are some of you scared of the game I can play Dead Space for like 5 hours straight and I am not even phased. Also there is plenty of ammo. I always have to get rid of some to pick up other items. The only weapons I use are the Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Pulse Rifle. It's a fun game and not for the people who are young, scared easily, squeamish, or have nightmares.
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thats cool. I'm on chapter 4 right now. And I have officially been low on ammo for a while. I just stopped getting it and now only credits appear. Or ammo for other guns. I was surrounded by about 6 people with no ammo, just that stasis power, and the kinesis, which I was able to kill everyone with.

    Its not really that I'm scared, its more of it makes me jumpy, sense stuff jumps out at you and eventually i get twitchy in game and i'm like alright time to stop.(Goes and plays COD4, holds Left bumper to try to run and ends up flashing himself and dying. ****.)

    Helpful hint: Pick up the arms of the dead aliens because they are knives pretty much and use them as weapons.
  9. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    My little brother picked it up a little ago, and just beat it earlier today. It looks like a load of fun to play, the story is pretty well done... but the ending is awful in my opinion. Trust me, you won't see it coming, but five seconds before it happens you'll go "are you ****ing serious?"

    My two cents.
  10. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Nice and yeah thats what I heard, the ending is a real twist, but I dont know if anyone remembers, there was a gameinformer back in 2007. It had a deadspace review and it said they are trying to make it a trilogy so there will probobly be more. and yes it is very fun to play.
  11. Shad0wAssassin5

    Shad0wAssassin5 Ancient
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    I must be lucky then because i usually have plenty of ammo. I also have those problems with other games. I should probably finish it tomorrow or Saturday.
    off topic:
    I am going to let my step-cousin play this game because he is the same age as me (13) but he is very squeamish and gets scared easily, so when he plays this he would probably pee or crap himself or cry (he has cried before just because he didn't want to watch a scary movie)
  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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