Has anyone here on ForgeHub heard about Dead Space? It's the scariest game of 2008 and won't be released until 21st October 2008. If you liked the game Bioshock, Then you are sure to like Dead Space. In Bioshock, You are in an secret underwater tank, That is very big. In Dead Space, You are in a Space Ship that is infested with horrible looking creatures that were all the previous crew members. In Bioshock, You find survivors that are hiding as you go along, In Dead Space, You also find survivors as you go along. No one helps you in the game, Only your weapons and equipment. You also have to upgrade your weapons as you do in Bioshock. You have to decide what to upgrade when you have a chance, Health,Weapons, Or Equipment. It's all up to you. I don't think a lot of people know a lot of info about Dead Space, So, I have guided you half way, I will guide you to the next. You and your crew were sent out to investigate the ship, You have just lost contact with them and do not know where you are. Your name is Isaac Clarke, Your job is an engineer, You have to upgrade basic ebgineer tools in order to survive. Your girlfriend (To make it even worse) was also on the ship when everything went bad. There was nearly 2000 crew members aboard the ship. Now, You are only last known survivor (Last KNOWN, as I said) You see shadows moving in the distance, and by the time you get up to them to see what it is, Somethings behind you about to slice your head off. =[ You die in a high number of ways in the game which are all different, Your head can be sliced off, Your head rolls to the side as blood pumps out of your head, Your face can be eaten off (As in, Your entire face) and there's more but I can't remember it all. =[ I will show you pictures as theres lots. =D The best way to kill meta morphs is to take off their limbs. Shoot off their arms, The will walk and take a bite, Yum!! Shoot of their legs and they will crawl, Either way you have to take off ALL of their limbs in order to get past. Then stamp on their bodies to stop them being re-animated. I will also give you video links to watch them on youtube, Or you can download them on Xbox Live Market place. There is an infinite number of lives so it's not like the old versions of Crash Bandicoot. =D The images have some intense gore, So if your offended easily, I'd call this one a miss if I was you. Youtube links: Teaser Trailor:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QO7J9KRqM Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7qoA57EBwo Dismemberment Trailor (The best way to kill your enemies):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiSdEmGBbwk Other video's:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87ojldfvJ_o
Yes Dead Space has been known for a couple of months now, and if you like scary games, this is the way to go. While it's NOT the scariest game ever, it most definitely the scariest of 2008. I'm not going to buy it, but I recommend other people do. This is right up there with other great sellers.
I did'nt say it was the scariest game EVER, I said it was the scariest game of 2008. I am amazed that you know about it, As i have never spoken to someone who knew about the game, It was in June or July when they released it and said when it would be coming out. (21st October 2008)
I know a lot about games. Like, did you know what Borderlands is? Did you know it's going to have over 5,000,000 weapons in it? I look for this stuff though, so I can help people to either: Yes, buy this, it's worth your money, or, NO, it's only stealing your money. I'm sure Dead Space will more than live up to its expectations.
What did you mean by: It does'nt look very appealing to me? I'm confused!! But the game is very like Bioshock, And you told me that you <3 Bioshock. lol
I mean that a big part, like a really big part of the game is awesome, though there are some things I don't like, but it's nothing.
Honestly, I would like to know, What is it that you don't like about the game? It' soooo cool. Your on a ship ;eft to fight off horrible aliens that are trying to get a munch at you intestines. lol. But really, What is it that you don't like about the game?
ive heard allot and seen quite allot but im not that interested, to me it seems allot like doom 3. not that Doom 3 or any other one is a great game but dead space seems unoriginal At the moment there to many good games coming out soon and dead space is near the bottom of the list. What an usual name for creatures but here it sounds very good and they compared it to master pieces of games, if its anything like gears of war or resident evil than im sold, but ill have to wait and see. The advanced feature such as giving information that hovers over the gun is amazing and a cool touch. it looks good but maybe a rent for me. o and set your videos up so that its a square, not a link