Deadspace Created by Reconatior Map Description Dead space is created on the map Impact with no serious forge attempts it was created by just palcing random objects and play tested it while forging. 2 days later I loaded the map again and started forging it in a real playable map. I started thinking on how I can make a map on Impact, with just the first 40 minutes of breaking my brain to think of something. I just started with what I got and that was the terrain and the main structure in the center of the map. I started placing rocks on the mid center of the map, placing it so that a Mongoose can drive trough it easily but also that players that are walking outside got enough cover but not to much. When the terrain was done I started thinking of how I should make the team base's and then the map Paradiso from Halo Reach Forgeworld came in my head. So I started to use that as inspiration for the team base. Both bases are identical and also easy to access by all sides. After the base for both team where created I needed to do something with the main structure in the center of the map and started using what I had, it needed some visual effects so I started to use objects from the gametype dominon. Both base's got a teleport and a human cannon that ends where the sniper spawns, behind the bases there are 2 Mongoose and a couple of crates to get in the enemy base from behind. Both base's are also identical to each other. The map have been tested 15 times where 4 times needed to be edit to have a better gameplay. Overview of the map from the top showing red base on the left, and blue base on the right. Here we have the back side of both bases Front view of both red and blue base Center of the map with the shotgun spawn on top of the generator. The end of the Mancannon and teleport from both base's, at both endings spawns a sniper rifle. Thanks to Moets036 for helping with some forgign and allot of random people and people from my friendslist on playtesting this map. And ofcourse you guys for the reviews and tips to improve this map.
Hey Reconatior! Welcome to Forgehub! From the images you posted it seems you have a good start on a BTB map. I can definitely see your inspiration from Paradiso coming through in the design of the bases. Having not played the map I can't give an detailed account of what I like/dislike about the map, but simply from the screenshots it seems to me that the area between each base and the center structure are extremely barren. From a gameplay standpoint this could make it extremely frustrating for players who consistently get shot down before they can even escape their base...I don't know if that the kind of "DEAD SPACE" you were going for. With that said, this can be easily fixed by adding more rock formations/structures around the map for players to grab cover behind. My other thought is concerning your post itself, it might be a good idea to post larger images of your map so that it's easier to see. Anyway, glad you're here at ForgeHub! -Hydrolysis