I might get it, did you know they watched 100 horror/scifi movies while making the game, they wanted it to be something you will **** bricks when you played.
Well, they accomplished there purpose, Bricks have been shitted by me. Well done trailer....well done...
Is that the first EA game that is a thriller?Anyway the game looks cool but if it all takes place on that ship then it would suck.Hopefully it would also take place on the aliens home planet or some ****.
fixed Well anyway, yeah this looks scary as ****ing hell. I'd like to get someone that was scared shitless from bioshock and show them this.
Pfft. You people saying you will rent it. This is the kind of game I would like to OWN. Never have I played a game that scared me. The trailer alone made me quiver. Scratch that. Condemned: Criminal Origins was scary as hell.
wow, this game sucks, i know chips doesn't even want it jk OMG that looks epic, i am totally going to get that
This trailer looks like BioShock + Halo flood but that's not a bad thing anyway oh well this trailer is beastly and I can't wait to here more about this game!