Dead River Hey guys, this is a map I've been working on for awhile and thought I'd share with you guys for some feedback. Weapon Specs: DMRx2 NRx2 PPX2 Spikerx2(may be changed) Glx1(For some gametypes) Sniper Riflesx2 ARx2 Magnumsx2 Download Link Description: Dead River is symmetrical arena with enemy bases just a spitting distance away. The map is suitable for CTF, Slayer, or whatever fits your fancy. Pictures: Notes: Sorry, if the Top-down drawing is poor in quality. But it does give you a better layout of the map. Well, please tell me what you guys think in the comments.
Based on the top drawing, it looks like there are a couple cross-map LoS areas that would make flagrunning difficult.
If you are talking about the left and right hallways on the map, there are some LOS blockers placed in those areas. Although, I'm not pacticularly sure how to describe them. If you have the time, can you take a peek at the map and tell me what you think? When the Forerunners left so did the water.
I have to disagree with this. There needs to be a few cross map L.o.S. to make flagrunning a bit of a challenge. If anything, I'd say flagrunning may be too easy looking at this map, considering the close proximity of the bases. That is assuming you can jump across that little middle platform from one base to the other? Still though, it doesn't seem all that easy since that specific area seems fairly open. I'm guessing most players will carry out down the sides of the map. Looking at your sketch, I really like the wide style layout. It gives me this strange Halo 2 vibe. Looks nice Dizzy, and seems like it would play just as nicely. If you are doing testing anytime soon I'd love to help if I'm on.
Well, there are a couple spots from which one could see the entire width of the map.. but as Dizzy said, there are some LoS blockers not on the top-down. Take my complaint with a grain of salt.
Aww, Thank you for your nice comments Dax. Honestly, I'm in winter mode over here at my place so my internet can't really support XBL. No Halo for me. Yet, I do plan to submit this map to the Tester's Guild. So if you really want to you can try and join one of their sessions. I'm sorry if that sounded rude, it's just that I don't have any physical means to set up a Test session. (Despite how much I'd want to.) Also, I think I already came up with a solution for that Easy CTF thing you mentioned. (okay, maybe not) I forgot to mention it when I posted up this preview, so I guess I'll leave it as a surprise for when I post Dead River on the Tester's Guild. Ah don't sweat it SpinCycle. When posting up this map preview, I almost knew somebody was going to make a comment on that. Plus, Believe me when I say I'm glad a nice guy like you pointed that out and gave out some good crtique, than a crassy internet troll who would just call me stupid and run back underneath his bridge. But yeah if you say there's a problem with Dead River, (even if it's a grain salt) I'll slap it on the white board.
Covy crates? Check. Rocks? Check. tac jumps? Check. The only issue I have with this so far is your overuse of 45 degree angles. Looking at that sketch leads me to believe that smoother turns could go a long way in improving how this plays, while also making the map feel more unique. Oh, and sweet name