Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is an arcade game to show off Dead Rising 2 without a demo. This game has 12 achievements and I'm here to get you some and find some hidden weapons along the way. To start today, Im gonna show you all 9 Hidden Weapons. Each day within the next 2 days, I will be telling new intel that some people may not know and show you how to unlock some easy achievements. Lets Start! Day 1: To start I gonna go over the achievement titled "A Bigger Taste...". This requires you to find and make all 9 Combos in the game. Spiked Baseball Bat: Nails + Bat When you first start the game in the Gas Station, Go make the Baseball Bat with nails. I.E.D: Propane + Nails Once you got that one, go to the store in the gas station. Grab another set of nails. Then grab a Propane tank. You'll get a combo card called "I.E.D". Bucket + Screw Driver After look around the garage for a screw driver and a bucket. Their's your 3rd. Paddle Saw: Chainsaw + Paddle Now when you exit the save zone. Head North passed the White Van and you'll see a paddle near one of the stores. Now head over to a store near the blocked road and grab a chainsaw. Say hello to the "Paddle Saw". Beer Hat: Beer + Hard Hat Now look around for a Whiskey Bottle and a Newspaper. Combine those for the Moltov Cocktail. Head up the Fire exit and jump from one of the vent shafts to the other. Then climb up and turn right, You'll find a Construction Hard Hat. Then find a beer bottle. Combine to get the Beer Hat. This is health regenerate hat. Forkpick + Shotgun: Enter the bar, as soon as you enter turn right and pick up the Forkpick. Then head over to the Bowling alley. Climb over the wall by jumping on the dumpster. Once over, Turn right and walk down the alley. There's a door. Open it and head up stairs and pick up the shotgun. Spoiler This is the gun the pycho has Horn: Pylon + Spray Paint Can Find a Spray can and then head over near the Department store and go to the back alley. Then Pick up a pylon. Combine them to get the Horn. Electric Rake: Rake + Battery Finally get the Rake. Should be near the White Van. Go to the theatre, go into the back alley. There should be a Car Battery. Combine them and theres your 20 GS and all the weapon combos. Day 2: Achievements Im not gonna go over all the achievements. Thats just too easy. Lets Start Shall We. Theres an achievement for spending over 100,000 Dollars at the Pawn Shop. Easily go to the Casino across the street and repeat. Easy. Locksmith is easy to get as well, Go to the threatre and open the back door. Thats one door. Go over to the bowl alley and jump on the dumpster and climb over the wall. Then open the door in the Police Department, theres 2. To get #3, do exsactly as told to do to get the Hard Hat and Turn left instead of right. Jump on the wall, climb over. Jump down and Open the Hunting Store. Finally, to get the last one. You have to open the Shed Door. Don't really need to go over this one. It tells you. Chop Shop is somewhat simple. Before you enter the fight make a I.E.D Tank and Throw it at him. Then Shoot it. He's down to half health. Then just either Wack the crap out of him with a bat. DON'T SHOOT! He'll shoot back. Day 3: Easter Eggs In the Threatre, you'll see Protoman. Its the red dude on the Cutout Board. Yes, a Megaman Refference! Day 4: How do I get the Handle Bars from Jason? Easy, Either Kill him or Go to the roof tops near Bob. Then head toward the Pawn Shop Direction. You'll find a small platform. Simply just walk north and once your on the last one, Turn left and jump. There it is.