Dead Base

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Bigboy123, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Bigboy123

    Bigboy123 Forerunner

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    By Bigb0y456

    Journal Excerpt:

    "Day 3, these bastards, they just don't give up. They show no pain, their blood-thirst, so.... Horrid. They are disgusting. Their flesh torn, their limbs severed. I'm getting sick just writing this. Well, it seems, every attack, two people die, then they rise, and we have to kill them again. My brother was one of them. It's terrible... That's all for now, they're coming back.. gotta be ready."

    That paragraph was to get you in the mood to play some of the classic infection of the Halo 3 days. That's what this map is about. I tried to bring back the old Halo 3 classic infection feeling.

    The map is called Dead Base.

    Here are some pictures for you viewing pleasure.

    Temporary Barricades



    And a good defense point..

    Gametype information:

    The infection gametype I made for this is called "Classic Infection". May seem self explanatory I guess. To start off the settings are mainly the same, but zombies have 125% damage resistance and there are no armor abilities. I made suicides by humans "non infecting" as well. Those are the main changes. I made it so it had the settings of Halo 3's infection games as best as possible from memory.

    So please give it a DL, and feedback is welcome. Have a nice day.
    #1 Bigboy123, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  2. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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  3. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    cool its like left for dead could you give us some info on the gametype
    like above nice to see maps not on forge world
  4. Bigboy123

    Bigboy123 Forerunner

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    Oh yes. I was rushed when getting this up and forgot about the gametype information Adding it now.
  5. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I created something like a Halo3 living dead map on power house... Its just on my other hard drive... ANY WAY this does look like a good map but can still be made better. Give it some more thought and work and it will be fantastic ;) ...Not saying I don't like it or anything, just needs a little more somthin'

    (P.S. PM me if you want me to come look at it with you in forge and give you my suggestions/work on it together, if you want to make an update for this that is.) EDIT: whoot 100th post!
    #5 Talons013, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Could you maybe give some information about your Map?

    I also made an Infection Map on Boardwalk which is based of No Hope. It is called Last Resort Campaign and can be found in my File Share.

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