Was bored so I made these..... Made in 3d and where rendered from different spots. What image do you think looks better and how do you think I could improve any of these images?
I think the day one is better, simply because the night one is awkward. The horizon is unnaturally bright, and the moon feels too big. But other than that it think its pretty good.
Fixed the night one lol. It seems better and I think the moons just about the right size now? Yea I like the day one because you can see more detail but I wanted to put the moon in.
the top of the night one is cool but the bottom looks awkward on the night one the day one is okay but i don't love it is a little bit boring
yea, It doesn't show that much detail and I'm not liking the horizon. It's to liney! Think I should delete it? I think the day ones alright... Nothing special but it was to build skills and I like the detail it shows.