I was planning on finishing mine up at work today, but I do have homework to do as well...well see what happens
I can't believe im posting this.. But I just have too. You see, one day after the extension I became ill, (I was a bit ill already, but still going to school..) and have been now for a week. This is the day I am becoming a bit better, and am typing this. Im also already working on finishing the Sketch now, but maybe I can't finish it in time. So then you know why I haven't checked in mine yet. Although, no one since the extension has entered their Sketch yet. Maybe a reminder is neccesary?
Can CST become PST? Just realized I have class until 30 minutes after the deadline and need to write an essay by then.
So it's come to our attention that there are still a few participants coming down to the wire with their entries and are asking for just a little more time. Now, given that the amount of entries thus far isn't what it's been expected to be, we will give one final extension to February 13th at 11:59 PM CST.
Not state of the union. I had a class on the supreme court. Very few people here care enough to watch the state of the union address. Uploading images now.
I need some help, from anyone. I know its to late, but I put some effort into drawing that sketch so I want to show it I have in fact a scanner, and when I scan my sketch I get to see a little screen with my image. And I can open it with Adobe, but I can't copy the thumbnail of the image because that would be way to small. Is there an way I can get the Adobe file here or re-size the picture to an good size to present it? I keep trying, and when it works I just edit this "Submission" I just want to get it in here, even if it doesn't count.
How big is the picture you're scanning? Is the scanning software set to reduce/scale the image? That could be your issue.
Option 1: Open it in adobe reader (it's free and useful if you don't have it) select the image and copy it then paste it in some image editing program (If you don't have an image editing program you must live under a block of SiO[sub]2[/sub]) then save the image and upload it to something (imageshack, photobucket, dropbox, flickr, picasa, minus, idgaf). Option 2: Upload the PDF file to dropbox (If you don't have dropbox you should really get some HF and find you way out of the block of oxide) Option 3: Somewhere in the scanner options it should include scanning to image. Spoiler SiO[sub]2[/sub] is both used in circuit boards and in its natural state is called quartz which is a rock.
Thanks alot for the effort, the both of you. I just wanted to say never mind though, because it already worked. Pyro, its the first option that worked for me. Its up now, good luck btw. I doubt il win, but it was nice to finish the sketch.