Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my upcoming Invasion map, Database: Spoiler This map has a bit of history. It began as a remake of a Halo Custom Edition map I worked on in 2006-2007 called "Archive". However, at the same time, I had wanted to make a map that supported all gametypes - including Invasion. So began my quest. The top level is a symmetrical map set up for symmetrical gametypes. The grav lifts you see on either side of the bridge in the pictures below are Invasion-only, to aid players in getting to the bomb and finishing Phase 1. Spoiler The bomb spawn (Invasion only). Teleporters from the bases to the bomb spawn. As I will soon be adding a purple light to this area, it shall be dubbed the "Purple Room". A third way into the room (and primary way in non-Invasion games). The Invasion objective lies in a structure suspended in the air. In non-Invasion games, this is the Rocket spawn. Be wary of enemies in wait. ...And when the smoke clears, the vent is destroyed. Down we go. Phase 2 involves the Spartans securing a territory at the bottom of the tunnel. Unfortunately, I'm an idiot and didn't snag any pictures of Phase 2. Moving on to Phase 3. Spoiler With the LZ secure, the Spartans have set up camp and brought down a wall to allow air support. However, the Covenant have set up quite a foothold. Keep an eye open to avoid that sniper tower. Your goal is to get the Core to the Falcon for extraction. You can come to it... Or it can come to you. But be wary, the Covenant now have two Plasma Launchers to keep your bird out of the sky. Best keep your eyes peeled. Get the core aboard and finish the mission. I just rectified the biggest issue I had with spawning (thanks, guys!), so the next step is to lay down some more polish and get this baby tested. I'll try to get a request for a test in within a week or so. E: Some general info: Phase 1: Assault. 4 minute time limit, 5 seconds to arm, 5 seconds to score. Bomb carrier needs to keep an eye open for enemy snipers, as the final route to the bomb tends to be wide-open. Phase 2: Territories. 3 minute time limit, 10 seconds to score. Cover limited. Three main entrances to the territory: one "drop" down a tube, 2 teleporters. Phase 3: CTF. 5 minute time limit. Falcons are used to score. 2 Falcons spawn on map, each with a 1 second respawn time.
looks pretty cool. Utilises all the nice new tricks that bungie gave us (despawning, putting objective zones on items, etc.)
I heard vehicles that are marked as a hill or something cannot be destroyed which could be a serious problem. I think it might be best if you destroy the tunnel too for the final objective (unless it's important in the transition from the second to third phases) to give the hornet a more open flight path, and just so it looks better.
I did a few more test games and realized that yes, vehicles marked as an objective are invulnerable. However, they can still be hijacked, and they can still be disabled. The gunners, also, are vulnerable. However, the pilot is invulnerable as long as he is still piloting. A few changes I've made to compensate for this: - Plasma Pistol/Grenade Launcher have replaced my anti-air Plasma Launchers. - Falcon's "objective square" SEVERELY reduced; you need to be close enough to board a gunner seat now in order to score. - Elite Base (Phases 2 and 3) has been turned into a Fort Knox, of sorts. It has been almost entirely walled up to force players inside. The closest the Falcon can land is just outside the base on a landing pad. The Falcon can also approach the sniper tower; this is riskier (Plasma Pistols abound, and a drop can put you within hijack range) and requires some teamwork, but can be accomplished. - The medium 1 Way Shield blocking the way back up the tube has been turned into 2 small 1 Way Shields, because the one I originally had was just slightly too big and it was annoying me. - Phase 3 time limit has been reduced from 7 minutes to 5 minutes. I'm considering dropping it further to 4 minutes, but further testing is required. There have also been some minor tweaks to Phase 1, but it isn't much more than reducing the starting ammo count of certain weapons. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Update: Spoiler Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: CHANGELOG: 3 main ways "down" for Phase 2, to prevent camping. Third objective scoring point added in case both Falcons are offline. Fuel Rod/Concussion Rifle added to Phase 3. Exterior of downstairs Blue Base prettied up a bit. Mongeese added as Stockpile objectives. Gravity Hammer added to non-Invasion gametypes. Downstairs Grenade Launcher moved to Phase 3. "Wall" blocking off downstairs area Phases 1 and 2 pushed back to be flush with rest of exterior cliff. Soft Kill volume added downstairs for symmetrical gametypes in case of unlikely event of a downstairs spawn. Soft Kill volume added upstairs for asymmetrical gametypes (except Invasion) in case of unlikely event of an upstairs spawn. Safe volume ceiling lowered and safe area moved closer to cliff to prevent runaway Falcons. Teleporter "gateway" removed so Elites can use teleporters. Energy Sword moved for symmetrical gametypes. Teleporters made more visible in Invasion. Weapons List: INVASION: Phase 1: Energy Sword (120 second respawn) - 1 Shotgun (0 spare clips, 60 second respawn) - 2 Sniper Rifle (2 spare clips, 50 second respawn) - 1 Focus Rifle (50 second respawn) - 1 Rocket Launcher (0 spare clips, 90 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Launcher (90 second respawn) - 1 Grenade Launcher (3 spare clips, 60 second respawn) - 1 Concussion Rifle (3 spare clips, 60 second respawn) - 1 Needle Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 1 DMR (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 3 Assault Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Repeater (30 second respawn) - 1 Needler (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 1 Pistol (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Pistol (30 second respawn) - 2 Frag Grenades (15 second respawn) - 4 Plasma Grenades (15 second respawn) - 4 Phase 2: DMR (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Needle Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Pistol (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Pistol (30 second respawn) - 4 Sniper Rifle (2 spare clips, 75 second respawn) - 1 Focus Rifle (60 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Rifle (30 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Turret (45 second respawn) - 2 Needler (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 3 Fuel Rod (0 spare clips, 120 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Grenades (15 second respawn) - 6 Phase 3: Shotgun (80 second respawn time, 2 spare clips) - 1 Energy Sword (80 second respawn time) - 1 Grenade Launcher (60 second respawn time, 3 spare clips) - 1 Concussion Rifle (60 second respawn time, 3 spare clips) - 1 Mounted Machinegun (30 second respawn time) - 1 Falcon (Objective) - 2 SYMMETRIC GAMETYPES: Energy Sword (120 second respawn) - 1 Shotgun (0 spare clips, 60 second respawn) - 2 Sniper Rifle (2 spare clips, 50 second respawn) - 2 Rocket Launcher (1 spare clip, 100 second respawn) - 1 Grenade Launcher (3 spare clips, 60 second respawn) - 2 Needle Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Repeater (30 second respawn) - 1 Needler (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Assault Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Pistol (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Pistol (30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Grenades (15 second respawn) - 6 Frag Grenades (15 second respawn) - 2 ASYMMETRIC GAMETYPES: DMR (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Needle Rifle (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 4 Pistol (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 2 Plasma Pistol (30 second respawn) - 2 Sniper Rifle (2 spare clips, 75 second respawn) - 1 Focus Rifle (60 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Rifle (30 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Turret (45 second respawn) - 2 Mounted Machinegun (30 second respawn) - 1 Needler (2 spare clips, 30 second respawn) - 3 Grenade Launcher (60 second respawn time, 3 spare clips) - 1 Concussion Rifle (60 second respawn time, 3 spare clips) - 1 Shotgun (2 spare clips, 80 second respawn) - 1 Energy Sword (80 second respawn) - 1 Gravity Hammer (120 second respawn) - 1 Plasma Grenades (15 second respawn) - 6 Mongoose (Objective, Stockpile only) - 2