Hey guys, just wanted to let you know episode 2 is complete. I took all of the advice you guys gave me into consideration when making this episode. The result, I believe this show is completely different and 100% improved from the last. I would love to get some more feedback from you, if you don't mind. To view episode 2, go to (click here). Click Free Trial. The Free Trial won't require you to give any credit card information. You simply do the name/password/email. This will also allow you to view the actual GGTV Player. So let me know what you think of that too.
Try youtube, much easier than making your viewers sign up to ****. I dont like signing up to random websites, especially only to view one video? I recommend a rethink of your streaming.
Sorry, but our shows are created by professional teams, meaning they are higher quality and have a regular schedule. This means we require payment in order to support the show creators. GGTV is a business, not an amateur uplaoding a video to youtube. So I am sorry, but I cannot upload it to YouTube. It violates my contract. It takes 30 seconds tops to do the free trial.