Dark Souls II (Announcement Trailer)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Neoshadow, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Dark Souls 2 Trailer - YouTube

    I'd be a lot more excited about this one, if From Software hadn't said multiple times before this that when they do another Souls game, it's going to be more accessible to newer players. So if it's casualized, the game is going to lose a lot of what makes it great.

    As for details, very little have been released aside from:

    • You play as a new Hero.
    • It's set in a new location.
    • The game is going to be fresh, so it sounds like they're trying to make it a little different.
    • The multiplayer is being revamped in some way, and is going to be server based.

    The multiplayer was one of the best things about Dark Souls and Demons Souls. Here's hoping whatever changes they make are merely additions, or fixes, and they don't go full retard and add some sort of Team Deathmatch game modes.

    Sooouuuurce: First
  2. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    There's a lot of middle ground between dark souls difficulty and any other game. I think DS2 can handle being made a bit easier and still retain its challenging gameplay.
  3. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Oh man i cant wait to play this game restart 8 time and then rage quit after falling off bligthtown 17 times in a row.... Can't Wait! Only this games makes failing so enjoyable... and fail you will...
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Hated demon souls initially, then loved it. Loved dark souls. Hopefully going to love this game. Challenge accepted.
  5. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I hope they don't make multiple difficulty levels, because that would just be stupid. A lot of people bitched because they thought it was too hard. It wasn't too hard, you just weren't playing it right, that's the simple fact. Too many games hold your hand through them and take away the substance by doing so these days, and I'm glad DkS came along and literally severed that hand. If DkS nerfs that because they want their game to be more "accessible" or "casual", then it's going to be a hard sell for me.

    And also, like Neo said, I hope they don't do TDM, or something equally as unfitting for this type of game, as a separate section of the game. Keep the essence of the former game and you'll have a winner. Try to change too many things for the sake of change, and it'll be hard to keep the original fans coming back.

  6. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I agree, Dark Souls should be hard but you're not going to buy it because they're going to offer other difficulties? Is it really that hard to select the most challenging difficulty? It must be if it's a deal breaker.

    P.S. I liked that Dark Souls ****ed you over but introducing other difficulties won't stop me from selecting the hardest difficulty. If anything, it could be a progression from hard to harder (a la Diablo).
    #6 Furry x Furry, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  7. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    It's not the fact that they may include multiple difficulties, which would be easily circumvented, as you pointed out, it's the fact that they're giving in to the bitching and moaning of those people who can't take a challenge. If they give in to changing one of the biggest draws of the series, imagine what else they'd change. I can't point out anything specific right now, but I think that's mostly due to my brain not wanting me to think of something that they could change.

    I'm all for taking something in a new direction, but don't let that direction lead you straight to somewhere no one wants to go.

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