My current build is a strength/endurance/vitality build. They're the max stats I have, being 50/43/32 respectively (from memory), and I'm at about SL120 or so, and I'm playing NG+. Most bosses are surprisingly easier than the first time around, but Ornstein and Smough are still standouts as being the cheapest bosses ever. Much easier with another person or two. Just beat them again, and am now going down into the Abyss to get to Kaathe so I can join the Darkwraith Covenant and hand out some punishment of my own as I'm sick of twerps invading my games all the time. My weapons and armour are a Black Knight Sword+5, Lightning Hollow Shield+5 (or 10, just upgraded and can't remember), Darkmoon Bow+5, and I switch between Stone Armour and Gold-Trimmed Armour depending on what I'm doing. Thinking about upgrading a weapon to max lightning so I can PVP better, but I do mostly alright with my current build. Have a Fog Ring on when people invade, so I usually ambush them from behind and finish them off. Get a smart ass every now and then that manages to roll behind me, but I can handle pretty much any invader at the moment. Trying not to level up too much as the people I can PVP at higher levels will likely wipe the floor with me. Although, someone invaded me about 6 times in a row the other day and I smashed him every time. I think he wasn't trying after about the fourth invasion though, but I felt sorry for him, so I went and finished off the area boss so he could invade someone else for a change. If anyone visits Kenundrum, tell him I said hi.
Just thought I would chime in and say this is one of the best games I've ever played and everyone needs to own it. Don't be a baby, just dive in and take your medicine. Already played it for 40+ hours and I'm not even close to finished, well worth your money.
Bumping this because I've started playing again. I'm about to go into BlightTown, I have every boss that's currently available to me except Sif killed. Anyone still playing this masterpiece?
I was thinking about giving this another go recently, but haven't yet. Might be due time. Last time I was playing it, I was on my second playthrough of my first (and only) character, and was trying to join the Darkwraiths, but the Four Kings are insanely hard to beat on your second play. Unless you have some seriously bad-ass equipment. Which I don't think I do. :\