Map Title: Dark Recon Ho no, the evil devil!!! Download Map "NN: Vil Fantôme" Download Gametype "Dark Recon" Description: This map came up to me when I played Diablo 2 last week. This is an infection-based game where alpha zombies are devils and zombies, undeads. It's for 5-13 players. There is no very big changes to the map in general and sorry, this map is really similar to Ghoul Town. It's mostly the gametype that change: Devils are strong, have swords with unlimited ammo, x2 shield and jump high and are red and use a 10 meters radar.. Undeads are poor, 90% speed, no shield, swords with unlimited ammo, jump at 200% (low) and are black, no radar. SWATs are like in the S.W.A.T gametype, but in blue... Everybody have se7en lives The first 180 seconds of the game, it's the day. When the evil devil kill a SWAT, this SWAT appears in a basement, waiting for the night. At the night, they are guided by the green light of a "téléporteur", jumping on blocks to get out of the hell. By this time, all SWATs should be dead, the last man standing his invisible, the undeads having a difficult time to spot him. Give comments if you liked, pics: The evil devil! The SWATs starting point (don't camp there!!!) The undeads spawn points. Remember: A LOT OF WEAPONS ADDED. A good SWAT's camping spot. A lonely SWAT in front of The Demon. (Muhahaha...) Another good camping spot. THE HELL (reMUHAHAHA...) Night coming... Who closed the light? Now the devil and a undead SWAT, seaking the invisible one. Let's END the fight! I'm now starting a new contest: FIND THE WEAPONS. If you find all the weapons on this map i'll give you a 2 days code for xbox live gold (you need to be the first to find it). My Xbox live expire in 11 months, so, I don't need it!
Umm... Could you at least explain your map and have more pics? Because from what I can see is that you added a turret, customs, and teles. Thats it. Whoops just read the top part. Still, you should have more pics on gameplay. 2.5/5 with out testing.
Ok I corrected the post, I pressed enter on the bad moment, putting what I had done directly, I mostly cried... (joke). It's a lot of work to post a map on forgehub...
? it looks like u took the map, did a 2 second edit and then made it turn into night slowly please if u post in the future have some originality.
Ya I know. Especially when getting your screen shots together. on my own insight of the post, what i really noticed and really liked is that in your game type, you gave every one 7 lives. I my self never seen any one do that in an infection game, but i know to leads a huge twist to the game. I'm sure gets people a little more desperate to live, there for adds allot more drama and high tension game-play. You mixed up allot of things in your game-type, but hey, I like mixing. For your map, i would say looks like a few things were added at random in a sloppy matter. I don't want to go in to details of what you should have fixed, but in all it rounds up to neatly placing some of those objects with a point for positioning. Although this is not a fail because the game-play says it all. But if you ever forge in the map again, think about the objects that you got laying around and replace them to make a cool twist just like your game type. 3/5 from me just on how the post impacted me, and you BETTER keep forging!
I know that people are now very expecting NEW things from maps. They want complete new maps, this is why Bungie gave us Sandbox and Foundry. I know I copied a lot the scenery already placed. When I tested the maps with some friends, they all thought its was just an infection on Ghoul Town. When the demon killed somebody, the undead was mad of being in hell (nothing to do there!). Another got killed, and the two started to fight! This is why I putted seven lives. You can completly kill a friendly undead but you lose 6 points... Then they start to understand it's more than infection on Ghoul Town. I'm very happy of your post, you are nice. I'm working for a project on sandbox, an infection new gametype. I'm not saying more that this will be an original map. Finally, did you tested the map? Did you searched the weapons?