Sandbox Dark Playground

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MeNaCe x TIGER, May 23, 2009.

  1. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Download Links:
    Gametype: Where's he
    Map: Dark Playground

    This is my new infection map called "Dark Playground".
    There are 2 alpha zombies that spawn in the Sky Bubble

    The rest of the players, the humans, spawn in the crypt.

    The humans have only 30 seconds to spread around the map and get a good hiding spot, or a good weapon, and grenades, and equipment.


    After 10 seconds, Old Tyme FX spawns, giving the humans time to see, and hide. But after 30 seconds, Pen and Ink FX spawns.

    After 30 seconds, the zombies' teleporter opens up...

    The rest is up to the players. Sticking together is a very good idea, or you will get picked off, very easily. Good Luck.

    Gametype Specifications:
    Initial Zombie Count: 2
    Zombie Traits
    Damage Resistance: 500%
    No shields
    Instant Kill
    Starting Weapon-Energy Sword
    Player Speed 200%
    Player Gravity 150%
    Sensors- Off
    Poor Camo

    Primary Weapon: Magnum

    Number of Rounds: 5
    Time Limit: 10 minutes
    Damage Resistance: 10%
    No Shields
    Shield Recharge Rate: 200%
    No Sensors

    Action Shots:





    Again if you missed them..
    Gametype: Where's he
    Map: Dark Playground
    #1 MeNaCe x TIGER, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Normally, this would be very easy. Infact, so easy it would get boring. But with your addition of the filters, this may definetly work to the zombie's advantage, from how dark I can see the pictures. I actually suggest that you use flares like flashlights for the humans. Do the zombies respawn in the crypt, or in the skybubble and have to take the teleporter back? If so, couldn't the humans just spawn kill the zombies since they will only go through the 1 teleporter?
  3. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Yes, there are flares. And the zombies respawn in the sky bubble. And well, if people wanna be faggots, then they could spawn kill, but you just have to trust ppl that they wont, it is actually very fun, me and the tester's guild tried it out and they loved it.
  4. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    This map looks set to be quite good, I wil dl and edit my post with more comments on the actual gameplay and so on! But i like the whole idea, it looks pretty cool aswell!
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    If you were trying for a really dark level I find that juicy, gloomy, and old timey work best. About the map, I would suggest spreading the weapons around the map for an added challenge. Apart from that it looks like a really good map. Keep up the great forging!
  6. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    anyone have anyhing to say? i need some feedback?
  7. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Actually, I have been thinking if there was ever going to be a good use for filters such as pen and ink. When would you even not want to see? Bingo: Hide and seek. Kudos for the creativity.

    One thing, i would give the zombies the standard motion sensor. This would encourage the hiders to hide and not move unless they do it stealthily. I would also knock down the zombie speed if you decide to add the motion tracker to balance the zombie power. Besides, 300 is a bit much for any game.

    Other than that, looks nice. I'll dl this and add to this post if I find anything else. Keep those creative juices flowing!
  8. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Yeah, turn down the speed a tad on the zombies, the only time you'll ever need 300% is on a Drive or Die gametype. To counter that you could, as Bootsie suggested, give them a motion tracker on normal mode, maybe around 75 meters, to force humans to be a bit more stealthy.
  9. TimeEscape

    TimeEscape Ancient
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    this map is actually very fun good job
  10. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Thank You! Is there anything I need to fix on it? Or is it good for how it's intended?
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Dark Playground Review

    Dark Playground is one of the most intense maps I have ever played on. Correct use of filters and superior placement of objects create that powerful heart thumping sensation that we all love! However there were a few rather major flaws that should be addressed. Many problems with balancing made it unfair for zombies. There were a few major problems, and many much smaller ones. Overall, with all problems aside, it was a very exciting game. You did a great job making it feel like a deadly game of hide and seek. Larger parties from six to twelve will really enjoy this.

    Enjoyment: During the review sessions there were a couple flaws that really hurt gameplay. As the humans, I would often have trouble. This is because I would run into an object where there is no light. It might take players a few seconds to realize this due to the filter effects. Avoid having dead ends. Instead make sure you never have to go backwards to free yourself. There needs to always be a second option. A more minor issue is that new zombie players will wait on top of the teleporter waiting for it to open. It is very annoying when they get teleported straight into an explosion and die. Focus more on having a gravity lift move an object away from it so that it is explosion free. Dark Playground has a rather repetitive spawn system for both sides. Zombies have always spawned in the same place and have to wait thirty seconds with nothing to do. Never have players sitting around doing nothing. Even something simple such as giving them a few golf balls to mess around with is sufficient. Humans Spawn in a small armory and take a teleporter into the battlefield. Because the humans are forced to take the same path time after time it grows to be very repetitive. This issue often results in humans heading to and camping in many of the same locations time after time. Aside from these few flaws however gameplay on Dark Playground is really exciting and intense. Your use of filter effects is very professional. Except for a few key spots, the dark effect compliments this map's eerie feel very well. For the most part gameplay was very good. I really enjoyed it!
    Overall: 8/10 (Meets expectations; Needs a little more work though)

    Balance: As with the enjoyment factor, Dark Playground has a couple balancing issues. There is one huge flaw that if the humans use to their advantage can absolutely dominate zombies. When zombies go through their teleporter they pop out into the crypt. There is but only but one receiver node that they enter through. A group of 3 humans can easily hold of 6 zombies for about three minutes using this technique. However the real thing that annoyed me is that you have placed a flamethrower and an infinite ammo powerup in the corner above the zombie’s receiver node. There should always be several exits when you go into a teleporter. If you are not sure how to do this just send me a visitor message. Overall there were only two camping places that need to be fixed. It was discovered that the turret area was overall very good for camping. The first mistake in this area was that the turret has a perfect view of the teleporter that zombies come out of. By continuously firing at the teleporter the turret can kill all zombies that come through this way. The second camping area that needs to be fixed is the sniper rifle spawn. This vantage point gives the player a wide range of sight, as well as protects the player from getting attacked from behind. If all of these camping spots are ignored the game turned out to play very nicely. The only thing that is separating you from a ten are these two flaws.
    Overall: 6.5/10 (Did not meet expectations; Needs a considerable amount of work)

    Durability: There were no major issues with durability. The map is unbreakable. There are no spots that humans can reach that zombies can’t reach either. The only flaw that was found is that if somebody decides that they want to annoy their team as the humans, they can simply shoot the fusion coils blocking the teleporter. This lets the zombies in before the humans are ready. It was suggested by drekdemon02 that you put the teleporter and fusion coils in a tube piece so that Humans could not see them. Overall, this map was very durable. Aside from a few major camping places you’ve made a great noobproof map.
    Overall: 9/10 (Exceeded expectations; Fix up your teleporter issue for a better score)

    Aesthetics: I wasn't very awestruck when I first viewed Dark Playground! There are many bumps and cracks within the geometry. Many players including me agree that different places like the sword and sniper spawn are not structurally possible. The whole map has to flow well together aesthetically. You have your second ramp floating above the first one with nothing to support it. When I see this in a picture I tend not to download because it often tells me that the map was rushed. Since your filter effects make it very hard to see you need to attempt and interlock objects and round off corners when ever possible. Otherwise players will be annoyed when they run into a corner and can't tell if they're facing a wall. Finally, I feel that many of your objects have been placed poorly. Let's take a look at the turret area. The walkway leading up to the watchtower base has been placed so that if you try to walk down it you have to jump. This is very sloppy. Also in that area the platform is placed rather poorly. It is just far enough from the wall that you can get inside the bars of the base and easily defend it. Once again, this gives me the impression that your map was rushed. However there are many good qualities to Dark Playground's aesthetic appeal. For example, You have done a great job mixing the filters. This maps filter effects add so much to the general gameplay experience. It is scary to know that any second a zombie could lunge at you and you have but a second to shoot it. Another good aesthetic touch is your strategic placement of lights in places where humans really need it.
    Overall: 7/10 (needs attention; You need to devote more time to working on aesthetics)

    Originality: Nothing on this map is truly original. There are many maps who use filters for a hide and seek game. This map feels unique the first time you play it but after four or five matches it becomes slightly monotonous. personally, I don't believe that this map brought anything new to the table. For hardcore infection fans should probably pass this one up. For new or average infection fans it is a good choice, however many other maps execute the idea better. In my personal opinion, this map is perfect for a download to play a few times. Don't expect to keep this forever though. If you want to improve your score on this section you should try to bring something new for a turn. Make a killer layout that map reviewers can't argue with. Do something unique. Overall I do recommend downloading this if you plan on playing a few custom games with friends, but not keeping it on your hardrive.
    Overall: 6.5/10 (Did not meet expectations; Needs a considerable amount of work)

    Personal Rating: 7/10


    Additional Comments
    ~Work on aesthetics. (Particularly making structures realistic)
    ~Make it so that Humans cannot shoot fusion coils
    ~Weaken the turret so that it isn't so powerful.
    ~Add more receiver nodes for the zombies.
    ~Round out corners (if possible)

    dreaddraco2: Thanks for your continuous support reviewing this map!
    #11 ForgeGod117, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2009
  12. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for taking your time to review it!
    I will take all this into consideration and try and create a V2!

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