I promise the forge community that everyone will enjoy this map, even those who don't like infection will because this map is not normal infection. Humans have very little chance of surviving and are hunted through tight enclosed streets. It's like a horror movie really and I've even been scared once or twice when im running for my life and turn a corner and WHAM! i get hit across the face by another zombie. This map has no camping and requires skill, teamwork and above all luck. So read on below and I swear to you you will not regret it. DARK METROPOLIS 6-14 Players (Gametype is a must) "Risk is the true enemy, for no action in this map will be without it" (See very bottom of post about a weapons list) Welcome fellow forgers and halo lovers, welcome to my new map "Dark Metropolis" and thanks for giving me a few minutes of your time to check this out, Its appreciated. map Anyway on to the map: I'll start by saying one thing, and one thing only: This is not a regular infection map... Dark Metropolis is a city style Infection map built in the crypt of sandbox. When i say city though I don't mean large buildings that you can go in and just camp, i'm talking multiple houses, apartments, a highway/bridge, a pool, pyramid ruins and city center. it is, in all senses, a true city the likes of which haven't been seen yet. I've always loved infection, but I find that maps where you either camp, or the humans are way stronger and better equipped then the zombies, or both, just get boring after awhile. And I know I hate being the zombie in those kind of games. So I made something different. The main idea behind this map is that the Humans are "hunted" and I mean that in the strongest sense possible. The humans have little in the way of weapons and a very, very very, low chance of survival. The Game Humans Humans spawn in the intersection with next to no weapons around them. They have roughly 20-30 seconds to decide on a course of action and to start gathering weapons. After that the infected will begin to enter the city. The humans only objective is to stay alive, and the less kills you get the better your luck is because if you kill an infected, it means you were a second away from death. Humans also only have a 10 foot radar so you just get to see the big red dot before it kills you. Infected The infected spawn on the main level of sandbox about 20-30 seconds away from the drop teleporters. They enter the city through one of the 3 random teleporters and once they reach the city, begin hunting the humans. This could mean anything from just chasing them through the streets to hiding around a corner and waiting for an unlucky victim to walk by. Infected have a very large and enhanced radar so they can always see the general area of the humans, but cant quite pinpoint their exact location. The Map The map has 3 main streets (Gold street, dark street and main street) and 3 districts (the apartments, the houses, the ruins). Their are no places to camp or hide. There are 2 armories that can be accessed through 4 teleporters half in buildings, there's a 1 in 3 chance of reaching the armory, the other 2 chances will just drop you back somewhere into the city. If you reach the armory you need to grab what you want and get OUT because every 30 seconds fusion coils will explode and kill anyone inside, this makes it impossible to camp. The zombie drop teleporters are scattered throughout the city, and all unblock-able. So always be careful because a zombie could suddenly appear right behind you. Weapons are scattered throughout the city so find them, but most have very limited ammo. The only way to survive this map is to work together and keep moving. Pictures Overview 1 (Ruins corner) Overview 2 (Mongoose garage corner) View down main street from dark street Main houses and pool/waterfall Pool/waterfall Dark street Gold street with street lamps Highway/bridge Infected re spawn and Teleporters into the city Additional Info I have tested the map for 2 weeks now and I think I've covered all bugs and gotten rid of all camping spots, but if anyone finds any problems please let me know ASAP. Also, the map ONLY works with 200% gravity, for both infected and humans, otherwise they can get on top of the buildings and be cheap. I strongly recommend using the game type "Hunted" as its designed perfectly for this map and is what I created the map around using. Closing Comments I hope you all enjoy the map and I apologize if my post was a bit long, I tried to keep it down in words lol. Also, if anyone has any complaints, compliments or just general criticism please post and let me know, I want to make a V2 if needed and maybe I may turn this into a sort of slayer map. DOWNLOAD DarkMetropolis GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD "Hunting" Thank you for your time Blood of the Fallen By The Way If requested I will include a weapons list, I just thought it would be better for you yourselves to discover whats on it, add that good feeling when you come around a corner and find say a plasma cannon and then tear it up with the weapon no one else knew about : ) But, as I said, I'll include one if its called for.
Change all of your text to this color please. Its hard to read the blue, and for other people with the original skin, they can't even read the white. -- I wouldn't make it a teleporter spawn, because Humans can easily camp teleporters. I would make the zombies spawn on the roofs and streets to vary gameplay.
Okay I changed all the color, even though it looks bland and boring now lol Also, the teleporters are impossible to block, and some arent even on the ground and it would be next to impossible for the humans to camp 7 teleporters. But i'll take it into consideration in V2. Thanks.
Oh my gosh. This looks absolutely fantastic, I'm downloading now. I'll give more feedback when I've played it a bit. The aesthetics and the pillars across the long walkways loo brilliant, I sincerely look foward to trying this out.
Thanks a lot man, I spent a lot of time on the looks, glad you like them. Let me know what you think.