Dark Laboratory: The Virus Series 3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    Dark Laboratory: The Virus Series 3
    (this map is part of a 3-map series all used with the same gametype.)
    SERIES 2 THREAD: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/100469-night-shed-virus-series-2-a.html
    Dark Laboratory Map Download Link Here
    The Virus Gametype Download Link Here

    The roof has crumbled and the horror moves in. This 3rd and final installment of The Virus: Infection series is complete. its large, enclosed and gives you a sense of oh-hell-I-hope-I'll-survive feeling when you walk its haunted halls.

    Dark Laboratory
    The laboratory where the famous virus known as "The Virus" originated from. If you haven't played the previous "The Virus" maps? then you're missing out. me and all my friends love to shoot some zombie ass in the specific maps made for the game. Series 1 and 2 have been released. Now the 3rd and final chapter is here. This is the largest map in The Virus series and is the most fun with a few good spots, but many ways for the zombies to get some fun in and flank you good! So watch your back and party up.

    The Virus
    Fitted for 8-15 players: must have 5 survivors or less
    The survivors start in front of 2 weapons that they must grab to survive. To grab these quickly, just press RB,Y,RB to pick up the primary then switch to your worthless plasma pistol and switch it out with the other gun in the class. The humans are hit once and then become a zombie player. If you're the last man standing, you will be able to take an extra hit before going down due to massive adrenaline. This makes the zombies seem weak, but the threat still lives on, so dont take on false confidence if you're the last one alive
    zombie players die within a few headshots with most weapons but not all of them like the SMG, so survivors caught alone will be delicious treats. make use of melee swings with the zombie claw (sword) such as when the last man is alive, you can hit him twice with more speed. Also make use of the trigger lunge. while running at a human, try to duck and swerve so that their shaky gun will miss your head AKA their target. for only 2 seconds after spawning, you will be slow and invunerable, giving time for humans some delay before your comrads arrive. Use concealment and only pop out to attack. use fear

    Weapon Classes
    if youre a human, just walk forward and press RB,Y,RB to quickly grab your weapon class and get going. There are 5 classes, 1 per survivor, as well as a few dinky weapons lying around up for grabs. survivors start laid across the lab so grab your class and go before someone steals it (stealing of weapon classes never happens a lot but just in case). You will start at a new weapon class every time you play so the fun never ends

    CARBINE x1 spare clip
    MAGNUM x2 spare clips
    the firebomb can act as a barrier for a short time or is an instant zombie kill. the Magnum's only good for headshots and the same pretty much goes for the Carbine.

    BATTLE RIFLE x0 spare clips
    MAULER x2 spare clips
    the mauler is only good at extremely tight quarters but can score instant kills in the manner while the BR scores long-range headshot perfection but has very low ammo. the plasma grenade can explode more than one zombie if others are near the zombie with the grenade stuck on it

    SNIPER RIFLE x2 spare clips
    MAGNUM x1 spare clip
    provided you can score no-scope kills and actually snipe good, this class is very good. the magnum has decent ammo and the sniper has very good ammo. The frag grenade is also a life saver indeed.

    ASSAULT RIFLE x1 spare clip
    SMG x2 spare clips
    no grenades. the AR can pull of headshot kills with decent range but runs out of ammo decently fast, leaving you with the SMG which doesnt do too well against the zombies, but has full ammo.

    SHOTGUN x1 spare clip
    SMG x1 spare clip
    the shotguns the best infection weapon. everyone agrees. it can run out if youre alone and the SMG really doesnt help much, so find a magnum laying around to replace or duel weild it. The spike grenade can kill up to 4 zombies if the spikes are lucky enough to drive themselves into its foes skulls

    The Laboratory
    It is the biggest map yet in the series. its filled with corners halls and rooms to play with. try to find the best spot. no place is safe, only safer. The zombies have some nice scenery to look at outside the lab and can find entrances throughout the place.

    the famous overview. its a large facility. now lets go inside

    This is what is called the Right Wing. It has a broken elevator, a supply closet, and a helpful corner

    this is the Right Wing blending into what is known as the Core Hallway. there are some frags on that table there, and a trip mine right by the Red Hall which leads to the experimental chamber.

    heres the Core Hallway. the first room on the left leads to the Control Room and the second room is the Break Room.

    a closer look at the end of Core Hall. The metal doors are locked shut. This screenshot also shows a closer viewing of the entrance to the Break Room

    the break room. here we have a nice counter, some tables, and the vending machines. theres a crouch entrance by the wall and the doorway where you came in so its a good spot to hang out. watch for those speedy zombies though, they can charge in fast if youre too busy microwaving that hot pocket.

    lets back-track a little bit. remember that red hall leading to the experiment room? well heres the experiment room. this is a generally wide open area with fusion coils in the corners. ingenuitive people push these to the entrance where the infected enter but if you dont, then the zombies can detroy these exploding coils that are right next to you and infect you so be careful.

    you can hop the counter to the control room here on the other side of the red columns. you can shoot over into the experiment room and have a narrow hall to your left leading back to Core Hall. get a shotgun and go here. but be careful of zombies hoping the counter

    no one ever goes up here because no one knows about it. The Second Floor Maintenance Room is a narrow hall with the elevator entrance where you come in and a roof entrance for the zombonios. there is a grav lift that spawns in at 1 1/2 minutes leading to this place so find that grav lift and get up there! surprise your friends and lead them to salvation and hold out before the zombies realize they can totally flank you from the roof!

    this is the final installment of The Virus but I may extend the series to 5 maps if you guys like this one enough. So seriously, grab some friends and play this map: you will love it

    Dark Laboratory Map Download Link Here
    The Virus Gametype Download Link Here
    sorry for double posting but could someone give this map a chance or at least comment so i can see what i can do to make it better?

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