DARK INTENTIONS is a small 1 flag CTF map it holds up to 2-4 players the game variant name is DI.The map was made by darktoothface and Lovely Vamp we hope you enjoy the map. WEAPONS sniper x2 shotgun x1 rocket launcher x1 mauler x1 smg x2 battle rifle x4 assulte rifle x6 spiker x2 carbine x4 plasma rifle x2 needler x1 brute shot x2 to download DARK INTENTIONS click here http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53547377 heres download link to the game variant http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66768295# heres a link to DARK INTENTIONS 2 its called LIGHT INTENTONS http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/57063-light-intentons.html heres some pics MIDDLE OF THE MAP BLUE BASE RED BASE NOW FOR SOME FIGHTING PICS!!!!!! knockout duel headshot OH ****
not to standards... u nead to read the"read b4 posting" sticky b4 posting i no crazy huh... u will need a longer description a DL link lol n at least two pics go there for more info... u will have about 24 hrs... to fix b4 locked n will probally get an infraction if it isnt fixed i would love to see the map when u fix this let me no through a PM so i can edit this n post a valid review
Guys don't spam this thread with this "this is not up to standards" or "needs more interlocingz" give him links and tutorials to embed your pictures i will be back with the link to properly post. Read this link all your information is here.
You have 24 hours to get your map up to standards, failure to do so will result in this thread being locked for good. Also, if anyone else posts after me about this not being up to standards, they will recieve an infraction.