[COLOR=cc000]Dark Hill V1.0[/COLOR] This old village is known for causing unusual deaths, and nobody has never survived there. Description: You are a group of scientists who has just arrived Dark Hill. You are going to find out who or what is causing all the unusual deaths here, but you don't know that this is all about teamworking if you wanna survive. Go in groups, so the chance of dying is minimal. [COLOR=ff666]Live together, die alone. Ghosts: - 75% gravity - 75% speed - Poor camo - No shields - Radar = 25 metres, enchanted mode - Energy Swords - 25% starts out as ghosts - White overlapping color Scientists: - Normal gravity - Normal speed - No camo - Normal shields - Radar = 10 metres, normal mode - Shotgun (infinity ammo) - No overlapping color Pictures: Scientist spawn Ghost spawn Outside of scientist spawn Outside of ghost spawn Camo spawn Overshield spawn Sniper spawn Random picture 1 Random picture 2 Links: Ghosts V1.0 Dark Hill V1.0 Please comment on what is good and bad about this map, so I can improve it. Thanks. [/COLOR]
I like this. It's pretty basic, and the design is rather unique. I don't see many maps on Ghost Town, so kudos on the map choice. I like how you used the wood to board up entrances, too.
I used Ghost Town because I think it is one of the best map to play infection on. I got the idea of using the wood after I played "Spooky House" on Sandbox where the house was covered with woods.