The devil is living apon us. i just went the black room on snowbownd srry for miss spelled words and threw a flair very easy but yet pretty cool. Tell me what you think. GT= VrumVrumUpDaBut (MashPotatoes38 was old name)
It's a pretty good shot. Nice weapon choice, the effect is obviously eye-catching, framing is actually good... There's not much I can say; it's a good screenshot.
I agree with Black.You have eye catching effects,and your focal is rather fine.But I do not like the shot's lighting.However if you got a different angle you would have been smooth sailing.Overall it is a toughy screeny.Nice pic.
oooo, kinda like a techno color effect, its pretty cool. I also agree that the rockets are a good selection
This looks really good. The hyabusta armor actually works in one screenshot :Happy: Very good for one of your firsts!
cool i like the ...darn forget name of the ffect but i like it and nice touch with makeing the visor look like eyes