this map is asmytric and has a human base and a covenant base the armory yall may not be fond of but it serves also there is a mongoose to get to the other side. Also i put in a secret attacmen that oyu have to play one flag capture the flag (hint theres something else on the map) well theres the discription now heres the story point.... one day on earth the spartans where guarding the bridge from rebel movement but the spartans had unexpected guests. Covenant guest landed 500 clicks away according to the radar. the Marching could be hurd from the bridge the first wraith blast fired 5 where lost...the battle began....... OH SHOOT NO PICS ILL GET THEM UP LATER TODAY. GETTING MAP UP BEFORE SOMEONE STILLS IT also me my firend Stealth7997 made it : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
okay to embedded you pics do this first ake the pics on halo then go on find the pic copy the URL (website) orsave the pic then go here ImageShack® - Image Hosting browse for the pic or paste the URL then host it CLICK ON THE SMALL PIC then a bigger one will come up copy that and then paste on to the post okay
I think he knows how to embed images, only he accidently posted his map without them. Waste of a post and easy post couunt growth I think...
I know you forgot pictures..but you say you dont want it stolen...why would anyone steal it if it was yours, and you have proof of that in your "date Created" "GETTING MAP UP BEFORE SOMEONE STILLS IT
You know, nobody is going to "steal your map" in like the half an hour it takes to get up pictures. If you think that you'll get more downloads without them you're wrong. Since there are so many good maps here at forgehub, if you don't have pictures you won't get any downloads. You can post them up later, but then your map won't be under the newest maps section anymore, so noone will see them. The best thing to do is to take pictures and have them uploaded to photobucket before you start typing your post at all. Otherwise you're just hurting your chances for downloads by 99% of the population.
take it easy guys. Rules stipulate that he has 24 hours to get the map post up to standards. So leave it be. If its not up in 24 hours after the original post, it will be locked, and we will receive a warning most likely. I dont want to see ANY more posts of this nature in this thread until its back up to standards. Posts of that nature will be reported to the moderators so that they can give you an infraction. play nice, kids.
um im not gona have the pics up in time can someone please delete this so i can have more time i don't want to get warned or an infraction so just asking if it can be delted for now also if someone trys to post it after this gets deleted please remember that i made it thanks