PLEASE BE ADVISED WHEN PLAYING THIS GAME i WOULD SUGGEST TURNING THE VOLUME DOWN!!! I know, why should I have turn the volume down well it's outside the parameters of the map and the guardians are not blocked off. They are shooting the whole time and can become very quickly annoying. I do apologize ahead of time. My main goal was create a crazy visiul battle. If your not into this please don't comment on the effects. Theres a juicy filter creating a very dark environment with vibrant colors. There's a main floor were you will see red and blue columns showing you were to go, after the main area you can up to red spawn or down to blue spawn. Blue spawn has a small hole in its back left corner drop down your on your way to red basement. But wait what I can get out of the map!!!! Why yes you can i think it ads to game play a bit but watch out guardians could get you. From red basement you can go to red spawn through a mancannon lift when your up go over to the next bay and jump back down. There is also a ramp going down to red basement from the main floor. On a side note i wanted to ad a gloomy filter make it even darker take out the red and blue lights and only use flares. meh. Well I hope you check it out. Danger Zone Download Here On to the gametype unfortunately I was unable to put weapons on the map, so I set this simple gametype up. team slayer to 50 points Br and magnum start infinite ammo, regenerating grenades. try it out change if you dont like maybe shorter rounds less points not sure. well here it is. Welcome To The Download Here Know for the moment you all only care about lol The pictures.
This. Looks. Sexy. I had a similar idea, especially with that shield door kind of thing. The atmosphere is great, and it seems like the lighting was perfectly added. Does this support infection?
This map looks very cool. Escpecially with the shield door thing. The gameplay looks solid and I think I understand why you told us to turn the volume down. But this map looks neatly forged. From the pictures I see no problems with this map. As Plasma Blade said, does this support infection?
Believe you me I wanted to do sooo much more with this but I hit the item limit Infection does seem perfect though huh. To answer your question no not set up for infection.
This map can get kind of creepy and yes the constant blasting is annoying but it looks great and I know it wasn't easy I pretty sure that I couldn't make a map this great with gardians blasting off at me the whole time. This is a top notch forge and if you fitted this map for infection it could make it even better.
Do the guardians serve a purpose blasting? Besides the escapability, I mean, or is the guardian shooting supposed to add something? The columns along the floor are stunning! I wish you had implemented the idea of column lined hallways more. For the item limit: Did you stack weapons and spawns- this way even if you ghost merge the crap out of a map and such, you can have some weapons and plenty of spawns (and have it work for Infection.) And I too have wanted to do the shield door protection thing...
Thanks man and the guardians shooting are for visual effect the lighting is phenomenal, and also escapability you can get out but you will die at some point. As for the stacking no but dam good idea dont know why i haven't done that. Thanks again